BUSINESS » Business

Rasna to launch region-specific flavours soon
By BS Regional Bureau in Hyderabad
May 15, 2004 12:36 IST

Rasna Private Limited is gearing up to launch region-specific flavours in the next eight months.

The company is at present identifying flavours to appeal to the taste buds of consumers in particular regions, like preference for raw mango flavour in the northern and the western regions.

Rasna dominates the soft drink concentrate market in the country with around 93 per cent marketshare.

Rajesh Mehta, assistant general manager (marketing) of Rasna, told media persons in Hyderabad that the company was targetting higher sales of its products amounting to three billion glasses during the current financial year.

At present, the company sales amount to two billion glasses. "There has been a tremendous response to the latest offerings -- Rasna Shake Up and Rasna Cola Cola. Rasna Cola Cola, launched recently, has already sold 150 million glasses. The company now hopes to sell a billion Cola Cola glasses by the end of the year," he said.

He said the company was expecting 30 per cent growth. Last year, the company recorded Rs 225-crore (Rs 2.25 billion) sales inclusive of Rs 50 crore (Rs 500 million) worth exports of its products to around 40 countries.

It spends about Rs 25 crore (Rs 250 million) on product promotional activities by expanding its network. There were six regional offices in the country reaching out to 1.1 million retail outlets.

During the current year, the retail network had been targetted to expand to 1.5 million outlets, he said.
BS Regional Bureau in Hyderabad
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