Owing to its resemblance to a white whale, the mighty plane from the Airbus family is nicknamed Beluga.
It took nearly two years to build the first plane. After 335 hours of test flying, Beluga started services.
Today, more than sixty flights are operated each week between eleven sites, carrying crucial parts for all of the Airbus programmes, including the world largest aircraftA380.
With the production start of the A350 XWB in 2012 and the production ramp-up on other Airbus programmes, the Beluga’s operations are set to increase over the next five years.
The Beluga offers unique transport capabilities for the military airlift market, providing the largest main deck cargo compartment of any aircraft available today.
With its impressive dimensions (56 m long, 17 m high, a fuselage diameter of 7.71 m and a main-deck cargo volume of 1,400m3), the Beluga is one of the best cargo carriers in the world.
The Beluga can carry a maximum payload of 47 metric tonnes non-stop over a range of 1,660 km/900 nm.
Photographs, courtesy: Airbus