BUSINESS » Business

US Navy to use PeopleSoft for HR operations
By Fakir Chand in Bangalore
December 04, 2002 19:40 IST

The United States Navy has selected PeopleSoft's integrated human capital managment solution to manage personnel information of its 380,000 sailors and enable them manage their careers online.

PeopleSoft Inc, is a Bangalore-based provider of application software for real-time enterprise. Its Internet software enables organisations to reduce costs and increase productivity by connecting customers, suppliers, partners and employees to business processes online, in real time.

The US Navy will deploy the PeopleSoft solution to reduce its administrative and maintenance costs, while improving services to its sailors.

Navy officials are planning to implement the HCM solution right away and make it fully functional by 2004.
According to US Vice-Admiral Gerry Hoewing, the solution will enable the Navy to make a technological leap in its manpower and personnel systems.

"When fully developed, the solution will enable sailors to access their personal information, track their training and manage their career paths from their home, ship or through a web browser," the chief of US Navy personnel said.

"We believe this will contribute to our bottom line mission, which is to successfully operate in the four corners of the world in support of our nation's defence," Hoewing added.
The HCM solution will also enable the US Navy to consolidate its manpower systems, which store personnel information such as benefits, training, assignments, qualifications and compensation.  

The solution will centralise this information and enable immediate updates, providing unprecedented access to key human resources data. 

The US Navy also plans to use PeopleSoft to measure, manage and maximise workforce performance for all its service members. 

The application will provide senior leadership with the ability to view minute data on personnel skill sets, compensation and competencies required to build future force structures.  
HCM's suite of applications will enable the sailors to match their qualifications for potential job opportunities, update preferences such as geography and type of duty, and track the application process through a standard web browser.

In a statement released in Bangalore on Wednesday, PeopleSoft managing director Kevin Hongan, said the US Defence Department was keen on moving towards commercial, off-the-shelf solutions to reduce administrative and maintenance costs.

"The Navy has become a driving force in the US defence department in implementing industry-leading solutions. PeopleSoft's experience in the US government sector will enable us to help them reach their goal in streamlining processes, while bringing advanced self-service capabilities to its service members," Hongan affirmed.


Fakir Chand in Bangalore
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