Hit by recurrent labour unrest at its Manesar unit in Haryana, Maruti Suzuki India Ltd (MSIL) on Thursday said the company would introspect on whether an affiliated union with a pro-business approach and mature leadership would benefit the company.
The management had eventually conceded to the workers' demand in October, but had strictly maintained that the union should not be affiliated to any external agency or political body.
"We feel there is a need to introspect whether a union with external affiliation, which is pro-business and has a mature leadership, would help the workers and the company," said S Y Siddiqui, chief operating officer of MSIL. "The experiment with a union which has leaders who are 24-25 years old has not really worked at Manesar."
Siddiqui, however, clarified the decision on affiliation would rest with the workers at the unit.
MSIL had helped register the second union, Maruti Suzuki Workers' Union (MSWU), at its Manesar unit in accordance with the final settlement agreement inked between the workers and the management in October last year. Wage negotiations were on with the union representatives at the Manesar unit when violence broke out at the facility on July 18.
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