Apprehending that developed nations may impose countervailing duties on Indian flower exports, Indian floriculture industry has approached the overnment to make the export incentives WTO compatible.
"The government should try to give incentives and support to flower growers in ways, that are WTO compatible as developed nations in EU, Japan and Australia may impose countervailing duties," Indian Flower and Ornamental Plants Association said in its recommendation to the agriculture ministry.
It feared that the developed countries may also deny Indian flower exporters the advantage of concessional market access by way of tariff quota.
The government gives transport assistance for export of
flowers while floriculture is yet to be defined as agriculture denying the growers several benefits available to farmers.
It said Indian Council of Agricultural Research and state agricultural universities should increase their efforts in developing elite varieties and production technology suitable for the domestic climate.
"It will be necessary to strengthen our production capability by deploying micro propagation techniques for large scale multiplication of the elite varieties that command good price in export markets," IFLORA President S Jafar Naqvi said.
He said government should make efforts to ensure that these varieties are made available to the farmers at affordable rates.