Revenue from the gaming and hospitality segment grew 13.75 per cent on an annual basis to Rs 45.99 crore (Rs 459 million) for the quarter, while operating profits (Earnings Before Interest and Tax) for the segment grew 44.87 per cent to Rs 14.88 crore (Rs 148 million).
The company reported Profit After Tax (and minority interests) of Rs 7.6 crore (Rs 76 million). PAT for the nine months ended December 2012 was at Rs 40.10 crore (Rs 401 million), on track to exceed net profit for the fiscal year ended March 2012.
“Our strong performance in gaming and hospitality is testament to the focus we place on our core business. With our enhanced offerings and expansion plans in this segment, we are confident that Delta Corp will continue to be a leader in the sector and deliver profitable growth to its shareholders,” said Jaydev Mody, chairman, Delta Corp.
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