The new Prado, priced at Rs 52.74 lakh (Rs 5.274 million) -- ex-showroom, Bengaluru, comes with specific improvements which include a 3.0 litre Diesel engine, and the adoption of a Kinetic Dynamic Suspension System (KDSS) that allows driving stability at city and highway speeds.
The new Prado is available in five exciting colours: White Pearl Crystal Shine, Silver Metallic, Grey Metallic, Greyish Blue Metallic and Black.
Inheriting the Land Cruiser's DNA, the redesigned Prado will appeal not only to buyers in the market for a genuine SUV, but also to passenger car owners who are looking to upgrade for the perfect combination of maneuverability and interior luxury, according to the company.
The basic concept for the new Prado is based on the design philosophy-- 'Intelligent & Modern'. The new design aims to create an exterior with the active feel expected of a four-wheel drive and an interior that is refined and roomy.
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