About 82 years ago, Henry Ford had said, 'a combination airplane and motorcar is coming'. A Slovakian company is finally giving it a shape.
With a 6-metre long and 2.4-metre wide body, AeroMobil's flying car is likely to be launched by 2018.
AeroMobil is a flying car that perfectly makes use of existing infrastructure created for automobiles and planes.
As a car it fits into any standard parking space, uses regular gasoline, and can be used in road traffic just like any other car.
As a plane, this two-seater flying car, can use any airport in the world, but can also take off and land using any grass strip or paved surface just a few hundred meters long.
On road, the car can hit top speed of 160 km per hour and fly at 320 km per hour.
According to a report in The Economic Times, it can travel the distance between Bengaluru and Delhi in about five-and-a-half hours!
The latest prototype, AeroMobil 3.0, is predominantly built from advanced composite material.
Photograph, courtesy: AeroMobil