West Bengal government said it was closely monitoring the Rs 7,800-crore (Rs 78-billion) Satyam fraud issue and was concerned about some 10,000 techies from the state working at various Satyam facilities.
"There will be some 10,000 IT professionals working out of a total 53,000 at Satyam and we are concerned about their future," state IT minister Debesh Das said in Kolkata on Friday.
"Satyam holds three acres of land in Salt Lake Sector V and they had asked for 25-acre land for an IT SEZ project at Rajarhat when erstwhile Satyam Chairman B Ramalinga Raju had come to city about a month back," Das said.
The state government would go ahead with offering 25-acre plot if the company seeks and neither the government will ask the company to return the three acre land of Salt Lake Sector V," Das said.
"If they (Satyam) want, we will definitely give the land. Why should we pull out. Let's see what happens to the company," Das said.
Meanwhile, Das said the slowdown in IT sector had helped the state government in a way.
"The slowdown will give us time to prepare the infrastructure of the proposed IT hub better," he said.