BUSINESS » Business

Can car owners, rich farmers be 'common men'?
By A V Rajwade
February 25, 2008 10:05 IST

With the general elections due next year, there are obvious pressures on the finance minister to provide goodies for the aam aadmi.

There are calls to abandon, or at least postpone by a few years, the fiscal deficit ceilings prescribed by the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act, so that funds are not a constraint. (If most of us believe that many politicians are corrupt, they reciprocate by believing that the best way to get the vote is by bribing the voter.)

Given the concern about the aam aadmi in the bleeding hearts of our political masters, I have often wondered who exactly this aam aadmi is -- and I remain very confused:

Even while the average middle-class incomes have gone up several times over the last 15 years, should the urban middle class be considered aam aadmi and, therefore, eligible for subsidised foodgrains and vegetables?

If subsidies are directly given from fiscal resources, they are part of the deficit; on the other hand, when they are routed through, say, the Food Corporation of India, and the FCI given "special" government bonds by way of compensation, these are not counted as part of the fiscal deficit.

Very interestingly, they are income of FCI, but nobody's expenditure -- and people blame our bureaucracy for not being imaginative!

But then this hurts the middle-class house buyer because the cost of home loans goes up. Since these home-buyers are aam aadmi, their EMIs need to be brought down. The solution is creative -- ask banks in the public sector to bring down interest rates on home loans, even as the RBI maintains an unchanged monetary stance.

But outmoded concepts like honouring the promises made, can obviously not be allowed to come in the way of our desire to make the life of the aam aadmi easier.

More seriously,

In a recent NBER research paper, Carmen M Reinhart and Kenneth S Rogoff argue that financial crises "share striking similarities, in the run-up of asset prices, in debt accumulation, in growth patterns, and in current account deficits" [In a BIS paper (no 243) Maria Socorro Gochoco-Bautista makes the same point]. All these are disturbingly present in India -- to be sure, equity prices have become a little more reasonable.

A V Rajwade
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