This was announced by O P Bhatt, chairman of the SBI, at the annual general body meeting of the SBI officers' association of the Orissa circle on Saturday.
For the programme to succeed, the bank had to earn the trust of the people and improve its services and customer relations, he said.
Admitting to erosion of trust among people, he called upon employees to strive hard to regain it either through formal and informal ways.
"Customers come to the bank in periods of difficulty or getting some urgent work done. If you are able to provide them services with grace, it will go a long way in building trust in the minds of customers," he asserted.
Similarly, the employees have to make service the core competency of the SBI, and the prime mover for all the employees of the bank, he observed. Describing the bank as a unique institution like the country, he said the bank was involved in all the activities in the local area of a branch.
The bank's network of branches, the largest in the country, market share and a customer base of more than 100 million are its great strengths. It has customers ranging from large corporate clients to members of self-help groups (SHGs).
Today, the bank through its network provides core banking solutions and business process re-engineering, which are unparalleled in the industry.