Planning Commission Deputy Chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia has said agriculture growth in the country cannot double without the involvement of the corporate sector.
"It is the corporate sector in India that has the capacity in marketing, supporting diversified agriculture base and bringing in modern technologies," Ahluwalia said.
Addressing a seminar on 'Corporate's role in rural development' organised by the Madras Management Association, Ahluwalia said the state governments need to include the role of corporate sector in their strategies on agriculture growth.
"They need to especially focus on areas like contract farming, marketing, logistics and input supply," he said.
He pointed out that the government has not failed to recognise the role the corporate sector has to play in agriculture growth.
"It would be possible to double the growth rate in agriculture to 4 per cent only with a broad based agriculture production involving horticulture, livestock, dairy, and poultry and increasing agriculture productivity. Relying on cereals alone would support only 2 per cent growth," the Planning Commission Deputy Chairman said.
Diversification can only happen with modern technology in production, post-harvest processing, transportation and widening market -