A spices park is coming up in Chhindwara district of Madhya Pradesh on a nine-acre plot of land. The park, to be set up at a cost of Rs 9.95 crore (Rs 99.5 million), will provide facilities for dehydration of garlic products, coriander leaf, green chilly extracts, turmeric and other medicinal herbs.
The park also proposes to have a world-class testing laboratory jointly sponsored by the Spices Board and State Trading
The Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority and Spices Board also plan to set up packing houses and collection centres in Chhindwara district. Two packing houses will handle oranges, other fruits and vegetables.
The packing houses, for which APEDA has earmarked Rs 8.9 crore (Rs 89 million), will provide value addition of fresh produce through cold chain, washing and packaging processes.