Anil Ambani-controlled Reliance Infocomm on Friday introduced a recharge voucher offering its pre-paid cellular customers a 15 paise-per-minute for calls to Reliance India Mobile phones within the circle.
Calls to Reliance fixed phones will cost 40 paise per minute and calls to all other mobile phones will cost 80 paise per minuter as per the new scheme.
The Rs 495 voucher will have a validity of 30 days with a talk time worth Rs 275, a company release said in Mumbai.
"We have launched this power-packed voucher based on market feedback. The offer combines the benefit of low day-time rates and free night time calls to Reliance India mobiles and a high talk time for calling other phones," said Reliance Infocomm president (wireless) S P Shukla.
Reliance Infocomm, part of Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Enterprises, has a subscriber base of over 17 million.