On the occasion of Valentine's Day, Shravya Bhinder shares seven surprising truths about keeping love alive.
1. Say 'I Love You' often
It's one of the toughest phrases to say, especially when you have to confess your feelings for the first time.
If your love is accepted, these same words -- over time -- become routine, only to turn into the most unsaid feelings in a relationship.
Say 'I Love You' as many times as you can, and mean it every time.
2. Love changes forms
When we have just fallen in love, it feels electric.
With time, the intensity of those feelings transforms into something more serene.
Accept the change, understand it and appreciate it.
The relationship that evolves over time, and the comfort level you develop, is just as enjoyable as the heady feeling of new love -- butterflies in the tummy and all.
3. Reinvent passion
You need to know that passion goes beyond the bed; it extends to everything that brings excitement into a relationship.
It could be it a road trip, a fancy dinner, a movie date or something as simple as a break from your routine life to visit friends.
4. Love yourself
When you focus on pleasing the other person, you may -- at time, without realising it -- start ignoring yourself completely.
Stopping to love yourself makes one incapable of loving anyone else too.
Make time for yourself. Understand that love comes from a loving heart, not from a deprived one.
5. Be grateful
Gratitude is an important emotion.
Be grateful for the presence of the other person in your life.
It is only when you value them that you'd want to be with them and work towards growing your relationship.
6. Communicate
Sounds simple, but it is a common thing that most relationships lack.
Whenever you feel detached, unloved or bored, talk it out.
Unsaid words are buried deep in our hearts, and when they erupt after being suppressed for so long, they cause nothing but destruction and havoc.
7. Look beyond the flaws
As time passes, the many reasons why we fell in love with a person begin to fade from our memory.
When times get tough, think of the time you first fell in love.
If the reasons are still there, so should the love.
Not all love stories are meant to last forever; if you feel that yours should, nurture it.
Tell them, how much you love them.
Shravya Bhinder is celebrating Valentine's Day with the release of her book, Something I Never Told You.