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Why Genelia is the supermom we all need
By Rediff Get Ahead Bureau
October 11, 2019

As a mother, here are a few things that annoy Genelia D'Souza.
Video: Afsar Dayatar/

IMAGE: Pooja Makhija and Genelia D'Souza. Photograph: Pradeep Bandekar

As a new mother, you would have definitely been told your child was too fat or too thin.

And it must have been pretty annoying.

The irritation flickered across Genelia D'Souza's pretty face as well as she recalled similar criticisms about her babies at the book launch of Pooja Makija's N For Nourish in Mumbai on October 10.

The celeb mother of two offered handy bits of logical advice, before handing the mike to Pooja, who shared her food manta -- the five fingers of nutrition.



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