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Video: These DJs will make you fall in love with music again!
By Hitesh Harisinghani
December 09, 2017 10:26 IST

There's no bad night at BUDx discovers Hitesh Harisinghani/

BUDx is the place where you should be right now! 

There has not been a single disappointing moment in this three-day event, which is touted as India's first-ever electronic music lab.

Take a look at some memorable moments from Day 2.

Missed the action on Day 1? Check out the pix here! First-ever electronic music lab, BUDx debuts in India

What better way to begin Day 2 than with Ash-Koosha, an Iranian-born, London-based electronic musician? 


His command over these keys is like an race driver's over his steering wheel. Take a bow Ash-Koosha!



BLOT! could really throw some life into the party. 



Now that's what a happening party looks like :) 


There's enough entertainment off-stage too! Who needs alcohol when you have such trippy beats? 


BUDx is not just a platform for musical minds to come together. It's also about meeting like-minded people. 


After some uplifting beats, Lifafa sets the mood right. 



That's Sarathy Korwar, who has beautifully synced sounds experienced during his life to create a commentary on the modern world.


Silhouettes in the dark. 


Raised in India and living in London, Sarathy Korwar was definitely the icing on the cake at BUDx. 
Hitesh Harisinghani /
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