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The do's & don'ts of dating
January 08, 2009

As part of a relationship series to ensure you're lucky in love this year, we bring you an excerpt from How to Simplify Your Love by Marion and Werner Tiki Kustenmacher. The couple are internationally recognised for their best-selling books and put out the monthly newsletter Simplify Your Life.

Presented below is a sub-section from Part II of the book, The Second Dwelling of Love: The Love Tent.

Where to Meet People

This territory has been explored quite thoroughly. Taking a look at current trends shows that, most often, the sparks fly at work. In second place is your circle of friends. The Internet has been undisputed in third place since 2003. Virtual dating services have surpassed even the classic meeting places such as bars and dance clubs. We have sorted our simplification tips according to the order of this hit parade of love.

Searching for a Partner at the Workplace. Most couples meet along the career path. Still, not every office flirtation ends happily -- a few people even have in the end lost not only their desired partner but also their job. It's important to know the rules of the game so that you don't run into any on-the-job hazards.

Searching for a Partner in Your Social Circle. Not every workplace is a very social environment, and many people long for a person with whom they share more of their private life. Besides, you also avoid the pitfalls of an on-the-job romance when you look to your social surroundings. After a breakup, many friendships fall apart, and your need for outside contacts drops off at first. In that case, the following principle for simplification goes especially for you: don't sit around and suffer -- do something; be active, not passive.

Simplifying Tip: If you are shy or nervous, you come off as much more serious than you think. But if you have to force yourself to seem cheerful, things can also go awry. So give others a friendly smile, as if you've already known and liked them a long time. Imagine that you've already had a pleasant and intimate conversation with the person you want to talk to. This way, you achieve exactly the right friendly, relaxed facial expression that makes conversation easier for both of you.

Excerpted from How to Simplify Your Love (Rs 225) by Marion and Werner Tiki Kustenmacher with the permission of publishers Tata McGraw-Hill.

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