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10 Qualities Indians Seek in a Marriage
November 02, 2022 15:45 IST

Instead of jumping into marriage Indians now like to understand the person first as friends and discover if they truly have a connection, observes Shalini Singh, founder, andwemet, an Indian matchmaking Web site.

Kindly note the image -- a scene from the film -- Jugjugg Jeeyo that streams on Amazon Prime Video -- has been posted only for representational purposes.

Unlike a few decades ago, marriage dynamics are changing from how it was perceived traditionally.

Indians entering into matrimony are looking for a meaningful and a fulfilling relationship built on a foundation of trust and respect versus 'settling down'.

This means Indians today are being vocal about their priorities when seeking a marriage and are looking to explore people with a similar mindset before getting into any commitment.

Here are 10 qualities young Indians look for in their potential partners:

1. Cultivating a friendly bond before a romantic one

One of the most crucial foundations of a happy and healthy marriage is establishing a strong friendship with each other.

Being friends is much easier than being partners and develops a sense of comfort between the two.

There is a certain ease in being yourself that helps the bond get stronger and better which is why instead of jumping into marriage Indians now like to understand the person first as friends and discover if they truly have a connection.

2. Expecting authenticity

Authenticity is a huge part single individuals look for when seeking marriage.

Keeping guarded behaviour, not showing your true self, will be understood at some point in the relationship is well understood.

This will eventually lead to your partner not getting to know you fully and maybe cost both a good connection.

3. Communication, communication, communication!

The biggest factor that can make or break a marriage is communication.

It is the most important aspect and something that everyone seeks in their relationship.

When two people are together, there will be many aspects that one person may like and the other may absolutely not.

Behaviour, choices or even crucial decisions, communication is key for each situation and so is being a good listener.

Pay attention to your partner's wants and needs, understand where they are coming from and communicate your responses to this in a respectful manner.

4. Understanding the each other's relationship style

Okay, this one can be difficult to crack.

Everyone has grown up in different situations and has adapted to different personalities.

No two people have the same love language, the same fight language or let alone the same manner in which they pursue a romantic relationship.

It is important to acknowledge these differences and yet find a middle ground where both partners are content. For example, during an argument or fight, one partner may choose to be silent and get some space to come back later with a clear head to solve the problem. While the other could be impulsive and would want a settlement immediately.

Such a situation could cause major turmoil in any relationship.

This is why it is important to understand how your partner reacts in situations.

Often times, we tend to overlook these personality patterns and misjudge or misunderstand their actions.

5. Accepting when one is wrong

Even as we'd like to believe that we are always right, let's face it, sometimes we may be wrong. And, it may also be impossible to admit it for a lot of people but that is something every single person needs to work on.

Accept that you made a mistake (during times you really did) and at the same time be gentle and let go of grudges if and when your partner is the one at fault. (P.S: Unless there is some serious toxic behaviour.)

6. Confident and secure

Confidence is the sexiest thing you can ever wear!

This is a no-brainer when it comes to qualities young Indians are looking for.

We live in a world drowning in competition and hustle culture.

Amidst this, it is extremely relieving to come across someone who is confident in their skin, secure about their work life and knows exactly what they expect and bring to the table when it comes to relationships.

Confidence is the sexiest thing you can ever wear!

7. Respecting each other’s personal life and space

When two people get into a relationship or a marriage, even as all aspects of your lives are together and intertwined, know that your partner would still require some personal space.

Their family members, the dynamics they have with each other and their personal choices are still a huge part of their personal life and the partner needs to let them be.

Everything does not have to be shared. And respecting that is a huge quality young adults look for in a marriage.

8. Ability to laugh at oneself

Humour is always a great addition to marriage.

Someone who is able to laugh at themselves, can very well take things easy and not hold serious situations to their heart.

Joke around and be light -- that is the best thing you could do in marriage.

9. Someone who always keen to work on themselves

Although two people in a marriage share many things in their life, one needs to understand that they are still individual identities.

Everything does not revolve around your partner. And one should not let a relationship stop them from being the best version of themselves.

Whether it is your career, your personal goals or even your emotional enhancement, working on yourself is extremely important and a major quality young adults look for in a marriage.

10. Progressive mindset

Yes, you grew up watching a certain type of relationship.

Yes, you went through something of your own in your last relationship.

Yes, the internet and life around have clouded your thought process about a particular situation.

So? Are you going to be stuck on that forever?

Every relationship is unique.

When two people come together they come together in a unique harmony. Other people too need to understand this and progress ahead.

Life can be variable in its lessons; but someone with a progressive mindset will be able to learn quickly and move on.

There is no happiness in being stuck on something and young Indians today want to break free from this idea to find someone who is mature enough to look forward and not backwards.

In many ways, a lot of these begin with understanding yourself first. And young Indians today do not shy away from that.

So if you've been looking to find your potential match, these tips could be of some value to you!

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