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My Life Lesson: 'Do what you wish with confidence'
By Abhay Kumar Mehta
May 07, 2019 15:16 IST

We'd asked you, dear readers to tell us the one life lesson you would want to share.
This is what Rediff reader Abhay Kumar Mehta, 58, from Udaipur shared. You can share your life lesson too. Scroll down to find out how.

My wife and I visited the Andaman Islands last year.

There we decided to go scuba diving at Havlock Island, which is a very beautiful place.

I do not know how to swim. I don't suffer from aqua phobia, but going underwater is a different experience.

Since it was a once in a lifetime experience too, I decided to do it.

My wife was not allowed to go scuba diving for medical reasons.

I had hurt my foot, but not wanting to miss the opportunity, I immediately removed my crepe bandage from my left ankle and filled up the medical declaration form.

I went diving along with a trainer. I was provided with a scuba suit and an oxygen cylinder.

He taught me how to breathe inside water with the scuba diving apparatus.

At first, I became uncomfortable and decided to quit. But the trainer asked me not to panic.

It took some time to practice breathing underwater. My trainer then took me underwater. For the first time in my life, I got to see the clown fish in its natural habitat, corals and other marine life.

It was a wonderful experience and had I not shown courage in removing my crepe bandage and at the same time overcoming my fear, I'd have missed this beautiful experience.

A life lesson I learnt is that you are the master of your mind. You have the power to override your fears and give your best.

Write in to with 'A life lesson I'd like to share' in the subject line and share your responses along with your NAME, AGE and the place where you LIVE.

Don't forget to attach your picture. We will publish the best entries right here on!

Abhay Kumar Mehta
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