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10-yr-old shares pic of coronavirus in India
By Rediff Get Ahead
April 03, 2020 12:17 IST

We asked you, dear readers to share tips, suggestions and stories of how you are preventing coronavirus.

This is what our readers shared. You can share your responses too! Scroll down to find out how.

Arik Biswas, 10, from Cooch Behar, West Bengal writes: 'Wear a mask. Fight against coronavirus.'


This drawing by Hiyaan Lakeen Chheda resident of Borivali, Mumbai describes the current situation. Punit Gada shared this pic.

Share your responses with us and we will publish the best tips and suggestions.

You can also get your children to share a drawing describing the current situation in the country or how to keep coronavirus away.  

Write in to us at (Subject: Keeping COVID-19 Away) along with your NAME, AGE and LOCATION.

Don't forget to share your photograph. We'll publish the best responses right here on

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