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My advice to 15-yr-old self: 'Always dream BIG'
November 13, 2019

We'd asked you, dear readers, to write a message to your 15-year-old self.

This is what Zafar Siddiqui, 47 from New Delhi wrote:

Dear 15-year-old self,

I know you are worried about the future.

There is intense competition.

How will you face it? How will you get along? Will you be successful?

Remember one thing buddy -- always dream big because if you can dream it, you can achieve it!

Nothing is impossible. Even the word IMPOSSIBLE is spelt I’M POSSIBLE (I am Possible).

So the message for you is: Dream big, think big and work hard to achieve it.

Follow this mantra and success will be yours.

Wishing you success and a bright future ahead. And don't forget to have fun too.

Zafar Siddiqui


Dear readers, what would you like to tell your 15-year-old self?

To love more? To let go?

To learn from your mistakes or deal with failures better?

What's the one message/advice you'd like to share with your younger self?

Simply write a letter and send it to (subject: Dear 15-year-old self) along with your NAME, AGE, LOCATION and a photograph, if possible. We'll feature the best responses right here on

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