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How to get best returns on your investments
By Naval Goel
April 11, 2016 12:29 IST

You can be successful only if you have bit of knowledge about investment planning options that are available in the market.

It's good that you are making money but do you have the idea where you should be investing it to multiply it? You have to be fully prepared for future financial needs and should continuously try to find legal ways of increasing your income. However, the biggest problem is how and where to invest?

To end your search, we provide you with the best options to invest your hard earned money and see it grow.

Before exploring the options available in the market for financial planning, let's talk about the types of investment plans available in the market. These are of two types:

Financial planning options

Beside these, one can also invest in gold or fixed deposit in bank. These investments can be short-term as well as long-term depending how exactly a person invests.

Risk involved in investment plans

Investment also brings risk along with it. If you invest, be sure, you might have to face some trouble. Few of these risks are as follows:

How to select the investment plan?

With so many investment plans available in the market, it becomes difficult to choose which one is right for you. Every plan has its own pros and cons and will suit people depending on their requirements. So before you select any plan, ask these questions:

Anybody can invest, but what makes a successful investor different from the not so successful one is how wisely s/he invests.  Investment is a long term game and careful considerations should be made before choosing any mode of investment as it will have a direct effect on your finances.

Photograph: Chris Potter/Wikimedia Commons

Naval Goel is CEO and Founder,

Naval Goel
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