Was it a picture frame on the wall of my room? Or was it the window full of colourful flowers?
I had woken up after a cosy Saturday siesta and sat up looking out of the window. The chrysanthemums, roses, dahlias in the garden of the posh cottage across the road, filled the world with colours and freshness. The window in my room full of this view looked more like a framed picture hanging on the wall.
Ever since I started staying in this rented flat a year ago, I admired the cottage and each time secretly wished I too had such a house of my own.
Admiring this pleasant set up and wishing again, I got ready for a walk like any other day. But today I couldn't resist stopping by at the old lady's cottage and dropping a word of praise. She was obviously delighted.
We met thereafter on a couple of weekends. She told me about how she had chosen to remain single. And how she had managed to buy the cottage within ten years of working. She had saved and invested and ten years later had bought this house without taking a home loan!
She inspired me. The first thing I did after this conversation was to prepare an excel sheet on how I intended to organise my money over the next few years. I was 22-years-old and had started working six months back. I also resolved that I would fulfil the target before I got married. I gave myself seven years to fulfil this target.
I got in touch with a financial consultant recommended by my uncle. She helped me understand the basics of investments as she helped me build my portfolio.
Today, I am 29-years-old and I write this from the study of my two-bedroom flat. I don't have flowers in my window. But I quite admire the changing hues of the sky on a weekend evening. I moved into my own flat a week ago. And yes, I did it without a home loan. You can do it too.
All it requires is to begin early and a bit of discipline. Here's a to-do list for those in my situation:
Moneyquin is a personal finance magazine for women and children.