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#Mom&Me: 'My Amma is my strength and motivation'
May 06, 2022 12:24 IST

We'd asked you, dear readers, to tell us why your mother is special.
Dhiraj Shetty from Hyderabad writes about his mother Ratna Shetty.

IMAGE: Dhiraj Shetty with his family and mother Ratna Shetty, extreme right.

My mother Ratna Shetty lives in Mumbai and I am working in Hyderabad.

My Amma is my strength and motivation. She is the one behind all my achievements.

My father died when I was fourteen, leaving her a widow with two sons.

Amma is one of the highly disciplined and hardest working persons I have ever known.

This combined with her love and gentleness enabled her to make a success of each of her children.

While growing up, I remember her telling us to toughen up; that this is reality we are living in. She taught us not to expect or depend on anyone.

She is a self-made woman and an inspiration to my kids.

Dear Readers, let's celebrate Mothers.

Choose your favourite photo of your mom's and tell us why that picture means so much to you.

Is there a valuable lesson your mother has taught you?

Or an incident from her life that you can never forget?

What is it you love most about your mother and why?

Write a poem for her or sing her favourite song as part of your message.

Send us your responses at with the subject line: 'Mom and Me'.
Share your stories about your mother, along with her picture.
Do remember to mention your NAME, your MOTHER'S NAME, and where you LIVE.

We'll feature the best responses on

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