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Enhance your business communication skills!
April 04, 2005

What: Fitter Solutions, a communication consultancy, offers a training programme for professionals and aspiring professionals to help improve communication/ public speaking skills.

The programme is being offered in Mumbai.

Programme goals

~ You will improve your grammar comprehension and sentence structure.

~ You will improve vocabulary, eliminate slang and perfect your language application.

~ You can neutralise vocal sounds to achieve a globally understandable accent.

~ You will achieve an effective rate of speech.

~ You will enhance your tone and voice modulation.

~ You will improve your listening, comprehension and response tactics.

~ You will be oriented on how to dress, think, speak and act professionally.

Programme details

The course is divided into seven sessions

~ Each session spans six hours.

~ The course is conducted on weekends (four Saturdays and three Sundays).

~ The fee for the entire course is Rs 4,500

~ The course commences on April 16.

How to register

~ For details and to register, please call Vipasha Gupta at the number mentioned below.

~ You could also send an e-mail at

First floor
Dubash House
J N Heredia Marg
Ballard Estate
Mumbai -- 400 001

Phone: (0) 98206 20365


Web site:

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