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How to cope with those first stressful months of marriage!
November 29, 2011

If you've been there, done that, share your experiences and advices with couples who are getting hitched this season! Illustration: Uttam Ghosh

You know how nervous newlyweds are!

The Big Fat Indian Wedding is always a stressful affair and to top it, adjusting to life with your partner can be even more anxiety-inducing.

So we've got a proposition for those of you who are hooked, booked and cooked -- share your views and advice with those who are climbing aboard the marital boat this wedding season!

How should one deal with a difficult mother-in-law?

If you're moving from a nuclear set-up with your parents to a joint family at your spouse's home, what makes the transition easier?

How does one keep the spark alive after the initial excitement has died down?

Provide the answers to these questions and more -- let us know what your advice is for the first few months of marriage, so we can pass it on to newlyweds!

Write in to (subject line: 'My marital advice') with a photograph, if possible, of you and your partner and we'll feature the best entries right here!


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