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How Mallika Dua Stays Happy
April 24, 2024 10:05 IST

One name, many avatars. Mallika Dua is a comedy queen, actress and fashionista.

A rather jolly person, both on and off screen, she never misses an opportunity to tickle your funny bone with her sense of humour.

In a quick chat with Mayur Sanap/, Mallika shares fashion advice, summer memories and more...

Photograph: Kind courtesy Mallika Dua/Instagram

How do you ensure you ace your ramp walk?

Someone backstage once told me 'Walk with your heart'; that really helped me.

When I step on stage, I just try and enjoy myself.

I tell myself, 'You're not a model. Nobody is going to judge your walk, so you don't need to judge yourself either.'

What's your fashion mantra when you go for a date?

I usually wear something in linen with flats and some jewellery.

Three must-haves in your handbag.

Lip-balm. Cash. Comb.

Three tips to stay cool during summers.

Bel ka sherbet.

Avoiding people who annoy you.

The air conditioner.

Favourite travel destination during the summer? With whom would you like to travel?

Bhutan with my parents. They are not around, but yeah.

Childhood memories of summer travel with your parents.

We used to travel to Mussoorie very often during summers.

We'd reach Dehradun by train, drive to a cottage in Mussoorie, relax, do a barbecue, eat food and gaze at the mountains.

It used to be a lot of fun.

Three qualities you need in a man.

He should be a fan of mine.

He should know when to shut up.

He should know when to speak up.

Do you feel the pressure of looking good in show business?

I try to remain healthy because that's very important.

The pressure is not on me to look a certain way, but just to look after myself well.

It takes some time to understand this but you have to be in good spirits to make other people happy.

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