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Video: Yoga lessons from Narendra Modi
April 11, 2018

The prime minister has been sharing videos of yoga asanas and their benefits on social media.

IMAGE: Narendra Modi bends to perform pawanamuktasana (wind relieving pose) on World Yoga Day. Photograph: Press Information Bureau

We've told you how even rains cannot stop Narendra Modi from doing yoga.

Two weeks ago, the prime minister released a series of animated videos of him performing different asanas. The video explains the importance of the asanas and the benefits it has on the human body.

On April 10, he shared a video of padahasthana on Twitter and wrote: "Making Padahastasana a regular part of your lives will make your body healthier and your mind calmer. What more can one ask for!"

Check out these videos and tell us how many have you tried already.

Trikonasana (Triangle pose)

Ardha Chakrasana (Half moon pose)

Padahastasna (Hand under foot pose)

Tadasana (Mountain pose)

Vrikshasana (Tree pose)

All videos: Kind courtesy PMO Narendra Modi/YouTube

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