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Justin Bieber's battle with Lyme disease
By Rediff Get Ahead
January 11, 2020

The pop singer revealed on Instagram that he has been diagnosed with the infectious disease. He is also suffering from a chronic viral infection. 

Photograph: Courtesy Justin Bieber/Instagram

A couple of days ago, Justin Bieber fans were in for a rude shock when the pop singer revealed in an Instagram post that he was suffering from Lyme disease.

'While a lot of people kept saying Justin Bieber looks like shit, on meth, etc. they failed to realise I've been recently diagnosed with Lyme disease,' he wrote on the social-media, photo-sharing app.

'Not only that but (I) had a serious case of chronic mono which affected my skin, brain function, energy and overall health,' he added.

According to the post, all these things will be explained further in a documentary series that Justin will be putting on YouTube shortly.

'You can learn all that I've been battling and OVERCOMING,' he exclaimed.

'It's been a rough couple years, but getting the right treatment that will help treat this so far incurable disease and I will be back and better than ever.'

His wife Hailey Bieber added, 'For those who are trying to downplay the severity of Lyme disease, please do your research and listen to the stories of people who have suffered with it for years.

'Making fun of and belittling a disease you don't understand is never the way, all it takes is educating yourself.'

What is Lyme disease?

A bacterial infection, you get Lyme disease from the bite of an infected tick.

It is not contagious and is carried by some species of ticks.


It usually begins with a red rash, and is followed by these early signs and symptoms: 

Later signs and symptoms include:

Mayo Clinic says that 'if untreated, new signs and symptoms of Lyme infection might appear in the following weeks to months'.

These include:


It is best treated in the early stages with a course of antibiotics, which will help with the recovery process. 

According to Mayo Clinic: 'After treatment, a small number of people still have some symptoms, such as muscle aches and fatigue.

'The cause of these continuing symptoms, known as post-Lyme disease syndrome, is unknown, and treating with more antibiotics doesn't help.

'Some experts believe that certain people who get Lyme disease are predisposed to develop an autoimmune response that contributes to their symptoms. More research is needed.'

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