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Fat to Fit: Why this techie doesn't gain any weight
By Vinod Mulanjur
April 23, 2019

We'd asked you, dear readers, to share your fitness stories and learnings with us.
Vinod Mulanjur, 48, who works as head-compliance at a management consulting firm in Hyderabad, tells us how he went from fat to fit.

IMAGE: At 42, Vinod Mulanjar weighed 80 kg, left. Six years later, he weighs less than 65 kg. Photographs: Vinod Mulanjar

I had lived 16 to 17 years of my corporate life in the United States of America, where I joined fancy gyms, (because 'someone said so').

During these years, I made minimal efforts to improve my health.

By the age of 42, I had hit close to 80 kg on my 5'6" frame.

When I moved back to India in 2013, my vitals started indicating 'never-before-seen' out-of-range numbers.

It took another three years for realisation to hit hard as I was not willing to drag my feet towards fitness.

In 2016, when I started my fitness journey, the first six months -- as most would agree -- were a struggle.

Gradually, fitness became my lifestyle.

For me, a typical week of workout includes the following:

My learnings

Never underestimate the value of strong lower back, as it will increase flexibility and eliminate any downtime due to muscle pulls. 

I never overhauled my diet. I continued to eat what I ate before except two changes:

  1. Minimised consumption of outside food, aerated drinks and processed food
  2. Moderated the quantity of sin foods but never avoided it completely

I love pushing my body to challenges.

More than a year ago, I took on Spartan challenge in New York suburbs. 

At the age of 48, I am less than 65 kg and the best I have ever felt in life.

I feel that short term goals, which are achievable, is critical to motivation and your next goal should always be different from your last.

I am looking forward to some more Spartan challenges. But, just as everyone wishes, I am hopeful that I will set a goal of 'few packs on abs' soon to test my resilience and motivation.

It took me 2 to 3 years to get into this discipline.

The good news is I don't gain weight any more even if I skip going to the gym for a week or two while travelling and eating sin foods.

I attribute this to built-up metabolism.

A few takeaways for readers


Have you recently lost weight or survived a serious health condition?

We want you to share your story with us. Tell us how you lost weight.

Share your diet plan, exercise tips, learnings and more.

Simply write to (My Fitness Story) along with your NAME, AGE, LOCATION, along with a before and after photograph of your fitness journey. We'll feature the best responses right here on

Vinod Mulanjur
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