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Why Aishwarya quit architecture to be a model
February 15, 2020 16:30 IST

The 25 year old beauty from Bhilai talks about the moment that inspired her to switch careers.

IMAGE: Aishwarya Deonani quit architecture to become a model. Photographs: Courtesy Aishwarya Deonani/Instagram

Aishwarya Deonani comes from a family of doctors.

The Bhilai born beauty went on to pursue architecture from BMS College in Bangalore but quit for a full time career in fashion.

The 25 year old tells Prasanna Zore/ what nudged her to make that choice and how she feels about it.

How did modelling happen?

I participated in Miss India and it started from there. I started taking interest in styling and fashion.

Your first modelling assignment

I walked for designer Aparna S, who made me a showstopper; I can never forget that experience.

IMAGE: She is a national level lawn tennis player and a high jumper.

The flip side of being a model

Models in India don't get recognition but people (in the fashion industry) otherwise are very, very nice.

Dos and don'ts for aspiring models

Be yourself and have a personality.

Nowadays modelling is not just about having a pretty face but also about (your) personality.

Also, don't overdo your style.

IMAGE: From a student who took up modelling for pocket money to Lakme Fashion Week, Aishwarya has come a long way.

Your fitness mantra

I have a very disciplined fitness regime. I workout, eat right; I get up early and do exercises.

Your fashion mantra

Be yourself and dress according to your vibe.

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