GET AHEAD » Get ahead

Try these simple breakfast recipes with oats
By Chef Sabyasachi Gorai
May 11, 2020

Kickstart your mornings with these hassle-free recipes. 

For many of us, mornings can be hectic. Just getting yourself together and logging in timely for work leaves little time to prepare a well-balanced breakfast.

On the other hand, working on an empty stomach may reduce your ability to concentrate and leave you with lower energy in the morning.

You can soak oats overnight and and start your day off with the right kind of fuel for whatever lies ahead.

Try out these overnight oats recipes that are indulgent yet healthy, curated by chef Sabyasachi Gorai. 

Banana Bread Overnight Oats  



Walnut Chia Overnight Oats 



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Chef Sabyasachi Gorai
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