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Recipes your kids will love!
April 14, 2015

Yesterday, we carried this excerpt from Neelanjana Singh's Our Kid Eats Everything!

Today we bring you yet another excerpt, this one has three recipes that'll cheer up your tiny tots!


Spinach leaves prepared this way are so crunchy and tasty that kids love them.

They could add the crispy leaves to any dish or eat them as a snack. The same recipe can be followed for kale leaves to make a nutritious snack.

Makes 25 pieces

Preparation time: 20 mins

Cooking time: 10 mins



Tip: If the kale leaves are large, the main rib should be removed and the leaves torn into 1–11/2 inch pieces.

Jaggery Nut Chocolate

This homemade chocolate is healthy.

Children enjoy the goodness of jaggery and also stay off the not-so-healthy sweeteners added to commercially prepared products.

Makes 12 pieces

Preparation time: 10 mins

Cooking time: 5 mins


Tip: This recipe is so simple that your kids would love to make it too(under supervision)!

Noobro Soup

Noodles and broccoli combine to make a dish you never thought your kids would love!

Makes 4 cups

Preparation time: 10 mins

Cooking time: 15 mins


> More Food features and recipes here

Excerpted from Our Kid Eats Everything by Neelanjana Singh, Rs 350, with the permission of the publishers, Hatchette India.

Photograph (used here for representational purposes only): ShutterFerret/Creative Commons

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