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5 Reasons You've Not Landed A Dream Job
December 13, 2022 10:33 IST

Instead of applying for jobs based on salary, you need to focus on what you are good at and what your core skills are, suggests Harsh Bharwani, CEO and MD, Jetking Infotrain.

Illustration: Dominic Xavier/

Everyone dreams of landing their ideal career at their preferred organisation.

But there are instances when candidates with the best of qualifications of work experience struggle to land a job.

When this happens, it is natural to feel frustrated and demotivated.

There could be several reasons why your CV may be rejected or why the HR turned down your application after the interview round.

I have listed a few of them below to help you understand where you might be going wrong in your job search journey.

The following tips will help you increase your chances to get selected for your preferred job role.

1. Unprofessional CV and Resume

Your CV or resume will be the first thing your interviewer will review.

If you are presenting a three-year-old CV of yours to your interviewer, it could be a major reason why they are turning down your application.

Similarly, if your CV is uncategorised and lacks details of your work and experience, your interviewer may not show interest in your application.

So, you need to present your skills in such a way that says everything about why you're the best fit for the role.

There should be different sections citing your academic, technical, and soft skills. This aids the interviewer's assessment of your suitability for the job.

Before you search and apply for a new job, always remember to update your CV. This will help your interviewer see your progress, and you will get opportunities to negotiate for a higher salary based on your skills.

2. Underprepared for Interview

If you show up for an interview without any prior preparation, you are less likely to get a job.

If you are underprepared, you will feel less confident and it will reflect in your communication.

Career experts always advise that you need to prepare yourself before showing up for an interview.

The preparation should be done at least 1 or 2 days earlier. You need to focus on your outfit, sample works, CV, and personality.

Plan well in advance what you are going to wear on the date of your interview.

Refrain from last-minute addition or alterations.

Personal grooming is crucial to create a good first impression. Keep your outfit and shoes clean so you look smart and confident.

If you are not very familiar with the interview place, ensure you acquire knowledge on how to reach the venue on time.

To find out more about the business where you'll be having an interview, you may also use web tools.

Check the organisation's website or try to connect with their existing employees on LinkedIn to have a detailed idea of their work culture.

When recruiters see your knowledge about their company is up to date, they will instantly feel confident that you are responsible enough to handle the new role.

3. Irrelevant Job Profile

One of the major mistakes candidates make is to apply for the wrong job profile.

It is very important for a candidate to be aware of his/her preferred employment function.

Instead of applying for jobs based on their salary structures, you need to focus on what you are good at and what your core skills and expertise is.

To understand your capabilities better, you need to research the job roles and have a clear idea about the required eligibilities.

Good research will save time for you and the recruiter.

It will also save you from the chances of rejection.

Pay attention to the relevant job profiles that match your skills and interest so you can apply to relevant openings and increase your chances of being hired.

4. A lack of network

The right type of networking is important to get a dream job.

If you want to get hired by Google, it will be a lot easier for you if you have a connection who is working there.

This way, you can acquire sone knowledge of the company through your connection and make strategies to land a job there.

People who don't network well, often don't get the job of their choice.

If your network and communication skills are good, there is a brighter chance that your connection may refer your name or recommend your talent to the company you aspire for.

5. A lack of verbalisation skills

If you are shy to speak for yourself during the interviews, you may lose the opportunity to impress them.

Your CV or resume doesn’t have all the necessary information that your recruiters want to know.

If you want them to hire you, you need to talk more about your strengths and how you can help them with their work.

This builds their trust in you and you will have a higher chance to get your offer letter.

However, while doing so, you need to ensure that you should only provide them with information that is true.

You should never overdo your self-promotional skills. Otherwise, the recruiter may think you are bragging about yourself which will not create good first impression on your candidature.

The key to cracking your dream job lies in being at the right place at the right time with the right people.

A little bit of preparation, hard work and a lot of confidence will help you inch closer to your goal.

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