What: Government of India Department of Science & Technology announces Boyscast Fellowship 2009-10.
The 'Better Opportunities for Young Scientists in Chosen Areas of Science & Technology (BOYSCAST)' programme of the Department of Science & Technology (DST) provides opportunities to the young Indian scientists/ technologists to visit institutions abroad, interact with scientists/ technologists there, get trained in latest research techniques and conduct R&D in specially chosen frontline areas of science and technology.
Applications are invited from Indian Nationals for the award of fellowships under the BOYSCAST programme for conducting advanced research and undergoing training in advanced research techniques in overseas research laboratories/ institutes, in chosen frontline areas of science and technology for the period of three to twelve months. The areas are given below:
The candidate may visit website given below of the detailed specific chosen areas under each of the above broad areas. The amount of fellowship is US $3,000 (or equivalent in other foreign currency) per month with maximum duration of fellowship being 12 months.
Eligibility criteria
Young Indian scientists/technologists who fulfill the following conditions can submit application/proposal for award of BOYSCAST fellowship:
(i) Academic qualifications: Master's Degree in Engineering/Technology or equivalent or MD in Medicine or equivalent with research experience or PhD in Science/ Engineering or equivalent.
(ii) Age: Upto 35 years (as on April 1, 2009). The applicants belonging to SC/ST/OBC and women candidates may be allowed relaxation in the age limit upto 5 years.
(iii) Employment: A regular position in a recognised S&T institution/ university/ college. Applications from persons holding temporary positions such as research fellows or research associates etc. will not be considered. Candidate must be officially sponsored (their application to be formally forwarded) by the employer/head of the institution or agency with commitment to depute them for research/training under BOYSCAST programme. Forwarding note merely stating that above would be considered only after award of fellowship will not be considered by DST.
(iv) Areas of work: Area proposed by the candidate should be in line with the above mentioned chosen areas.
(v) Place of work: The fellow should be accepted by a foreign scientific/technological institution, which is internationally recognized as an outstanding institution where major work in the identified area is in progress.
(vi) Candidates who have earlier availed of the BOYSCAST fellowship will not be eligible for consideration again for this fellowship. The candidates who have availed any other overseas fellowship for a period of more than three months through any Government/public funding agency during last two years will also not be considered for this fellowship.
Procedure for application
Application for the award of BOYSCAST fellowship should be sent the prescribed format. Application is required to be forwarded through the head of Agency/ Organization/ University where the candidate is employed.
For details please visit websites: www.dst.gov.in and www.serc-dst.org .Application complete in all respects should reach DST positively by July 31, 2009.
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