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Tips to beat low-energy days
By Shilpa Shet
August 23, 2007 11:28 IST

So, it's that kind of day again? You could barely manage to get out of bed. Water -- ughh! Brushing -- more ughh! And then the whole routine of getting dressed to get to work -- groan! Are you literally dragging your feet as you walk out of the house?

No, it's not bad juju and it is definitely NOT the end of the world. Low-energy days like these can be turned around, all you've got to do is realize it's all in your head.

Here's what five professionals from different walks of life do on days like these:

~ Nagendra Shet, a 24-year-old software professional says, "Whenever I feel low I head out of the city on my bike. It's something I love doing. I feel free yet focused on one thing. It's a sort of release."

~ Priya Maitra a bank employee from Pune says, "I land up at the local library, pick up a book I might enjoy and hole myself up in my room. When I finish reading, I feel refreshed."

~ Swati Jain, a software professional, says she loves to eat out when she feels low. "I go off to some food joint and binge. Luckily I don't feel low too often otherwise I would then have to worry about my increased weight," she laughs.

~ Sachin Joshi a businessman says, "I love to watch TV when I feel low. It distracts my mind and I feel refreshed."

~ Kumar Sharma, a student from Bangalore, says, "I start up my PlayStation or some other game when I feel low. I get so engrossed that I lose all sense of time and reality."

These should definitely inspire you to do something to shake off those blues. If not, here's some help to target more specific causes for those Monday morning blues.

Every one faces a low-energy day once in a while. How you get out of it should be you own little effort, otherwise you'll just end up bringing everybody else down.

Note: If you have been feeling low for some time now it is advised that you visit your doctor.

Shilpa Shet
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