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8 simple asanas for beginners

October 16, 2020 13:31 IST

Yoga instructor and meditation expert Paloma Gangopadhyay shows you how to get started with yoga at home.

Looking at the world outside, the best way is to look inwards.

Health is priceless and it is through yoga asanas, regular practising of meditation and breathing exercise that you can keep your health and your mind fit and happy.

Yoga is your physical meditation -- the pathway to achieve a brilliant body and a balanced mind.

Presenting 8 incredible, effective yet easy postures which you can try at home:

Before you begin this journey, place yourself on a yoga mat, keep a bottle of water beside you and a towel.

All photographs: Kind courtesy Paloma Gangopadhyay

1. Anulom Vilom

How to do it

* Note: As a beginner it is not essential to have a very long exhalation as compared for inhalation. You can opt for an equal ratio of the two and can gradually increase to a ratio of 1:2 for inhalation and exhalation time.


This pranayama when performed correctly for 5 to 6 minutes each day has numerous health benefits, other than aiding in mental peace.

Both our nostrils rhythmically take in air and function for fixed durations within the day in cycles.

While this alternating rhythm is cyclic over 24 hours in healthy individuals, it may be disturbed in the unhealthy.

The practice of anulom vilom helps to restore, equalize and balance this rhythm, and also the flow of prana in the body.

2. Tadasana

How to do it


3. Ardhachandrasana

How to do it


4. Padahasthasana

How to do it


5. Trikanasana

How to do it


6. Adho mukha svanasana

How to do it


7. Bhujangasana

How to do it


8. Ustrasana

How to do it


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