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Daddy tips: 'Don't let your kid be frightened of you'
November 25, 2020

We'd asked you, dear readers, to tell us how you prepared yourself to become a father and share tips for dad-to-be Virat Kohli.
Ajoy from Chennai shares his learnings:

IMAGE: Ajoy poses with his daughter Jessica. Photograph: Kind courtesy Ajoy

Never did I have any restrictions or plans to stop myself from being a parent ever since my marriage at the age of 29.

I prayed to God and told him, "I am crossing 36 years old and I'm sorry for going the IVF way, but please be with us and help us have a baby."

After the embryo transfers, we lost three out of four. This happened in the third month of my wife's pregnancy.

I am sure you all would be able to imagine my state and condition.

The day arrived, after going through all the anxiety and the hopelessness, except for that drop of faith in God alone.

I ran to the third floor where the doctor was standing with something wrapped in his hands.

My heart was beating mighty fast, my eyes were curious and my body felt light.

I peeped into the wrapped towel and tears rolled down my face when I saw my little angel's face.

Today, Jessica is my heart's beat. Yes, she observes me every moment.

I've been happy providing for all my wife's and my children's needs.

As a dad, my wife and children are not a responsibility that I've got to be good and helpful to them; rather, I want to be the air they breathe, I want to provide for their needs even before they realise they need it.

I want to be their watchman and magic man.

Never allow your child to be frightened of you, but play it in such a way that s/he she will always adore you and have reverence for you.

God proved He's in control; he gave me Jonathan naturally... Woooooooooo!

To all Daddies, God Bless You.

Dads, tell us what those few days before your child was born was like?

What were the special things you did for your wife?

How did you get ready for the newest member of your family?

Do share your stories about the birth of your children.

Did you go on paternity leave?

What were your most memorable moments? And your most difficult?

What are the sacrifices you have made?

What is the one fatherhood lesson you have learnt that you would like to share?

Do you have tips for Virat Kohli? Share your experience with us.

Write in to (Subject: Dad tips). Do mention your name, age, the place where you live and the year your child was born.

Please do share pictures of you with your baby.

And, till we beat the Coronavirus, stay safe. Wash your hands. Wear your mask. Maintain social distancing.

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