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'What scope do I have to get a job in US?'

October 15, 2016 08:06 IST

International education consultant NNS Chandra shares advice on how to pick the right international education.

In an online chat with readers every Friday, overseas education consultant NNS Chandra offers advice on how to pick the right course and career abroad.

For those who missed the chat on October 14, here's the unedited transcript:

ajai srivastava: Dear Sir, I have just completed my under graduate studies in hospitality management from Chicago, USA, with asset management as major in sales and marketing.

I would like to pursue a career in marketing consultant in hospitality industry in USA/ abroad therefore plz guide what are other options for me to study to gain more knowledge in the field. 

NNS Chandra: Read on marketing and sales. Listen to podcasts. Analyse stories of success and failures. Get current. Travel.

Then, you secure admission to a top university in their marketing program (I would argue for marketing research diploma/grad program).

Look for programs in marketing science. Research. That would give you an edge to build a consulting practice. All the best.

jaydeep mukherjee: Can you please let me know the good courses abroad on content writing if one wants to choose it as a career option ?

NNS Chandra: I am so glad you are interested in writing, Jaydeep. The one I would strongly recommend is University of Iowa writers Workshop.

Check them out "For more than 75 years emerging writers have c to Iowa City to work on their manuscripts and to exchange ideas about writing and reading with each other and with the faculty.

Many of them have gone on to publish award-winning work after graduating." Quote from their site .

Check Iowa out and several similar programs. Check out North Western. BU. Keep me informed. All the best my friend.

Sneha Phatak: I want to understand what scope do I have to get a job in US if I pursue an MS in Marketing and which universities should I target? Thanks and Regards, Sneha Phatak

NNS Chandra: Great work so far, Sneha. University selection should be based objective data on your scores and grades.

In my opinion, you should target to 20 universities so that you will get best training and wonderful opportunities. Marketing grad program admissions are really quite competitive. What are your grades? Got GRE score yet?

Now to first part of your question, on the scope of landing a job in USA - There are openings available in hospitality/hotel industry. If you are good and get a good raining several employers would be interested in you. Securing VISA can be challenge as a special category worker (H1B)

You need to develop a skill and learn something special and interesting that would make a potential employer hires you and process your VISA.

ajai srivastava: Can you suggest any particular College or University which can enhance my studies in marketing or sales in hotel industry

NNS Chandra: Kendall? WOW...Chicago. Great. I will be in Chicago this weekend! Anyway to answer your question, university selection is based on your grades and scores.

Maahir upradastha: Prof chandra, I am studying In South india for my engineering in mechanical.

My seniors say that studying nuclear engineering in Europe is of big scope and cost is less as we get scholarships. Please guide me.

NNS Chandra: Your seniors are partly right, Maahir. Nuclear engineering is getting a lot of interest these days, especially in Europe.

Openings are available. And they are right on cost, programs are less expensive in Europe.

I am not 100 per cent sure of scholarships in engineering programs for international students should be true too, probably! But I am not so sure of securing a job as an international student in Europe these days. Data available in front of me is not giving be confidence to agree on that.

Elisha Thomas: Can I know what course I should take to get a job as dental hygienist or work under a dentist? I am doing my BSc in Bangalore. Biology. What are the job prospectuses? How much is the cost for studying in America or Canada?

NNS Chandra: Elisha, I like your thoughts. And you are right too. Scope is great. Opportunities are there. Once you clear your licence then you would be in demand. Cost in Canada? Recent data shows an average of 38000 Dollars/year

Akshath Darpan: Sir, how many EA applications can I file? UC application doesn’t count in EA list. Am I making right choices?

NNS Chandra: Upto five early applications you can file and this doesn't include University of California schools.

Subham Kumar: Sir I am subham studying in class 12 from cbse.I want to join a film school abroad if not that then a course in astronomy.Please help me

NNS Chandra: Subham, Very interesting combination film and astronomy? I would be glad to guide you. But I need lot of additional data, grades, scores, portfolio, your works so far etc.

Soumya Shekar: Dear sir, I want to apply to the masters program in MBA. I have Mcom. How can I apply? Please help

NNS Chandra: Soumya, If you are applying for grad program in USA you might need to have a four year under grad degree. That can be a challenge. You can take short courses and reach equivalencies. Or you can do bridge programs. And apply for MBA in US.

poonam KUKREJA: What are the options for Medical education abroad and what is the eligibility.Please give some information for Good affrdable colleges who are recogniosed by Indian medical education

NNS Chandra: Hi Poonam, From what I am seeing and from data in front of me, popular Medical study destinations abroad, are east Europe (Poland, Ukraine, and Russia etc), Europe (Italy, Spain), Caribbean, China, Philippines.

These medical schools are in common relatively less admission requirements, cheap tuition fees and living cost, English programs. Their diplomas recognised and got international reputation. Take for example University of Karkov (Poland) is one of the oldest universities in the world. American University of Barbados representative called me the other day. Interesting offers they got.

Personally I do not endorse any of these schools, I have been to few. Excellent facilities, great training some of them offer. But I encourage students and parents to be very very careful while selecting a Med School.

Do the research. Meet with students graduated from those schools. Lots of options are there. So one can afford to be cautious. All the best.

Have questions for NNS Chandra? Post them here!

Lead image used for representational purposes only. Image: Kevin Lamarque/Reuters


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