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Super 30 founder invited to speak at German university
By MI Khan
November 24, 2015 14:40 IST

Anand Kumar will be addressing the students of Germany's premier Technical University Dresden and Technical University of Chemnitz.

After the USA, Japan, France, Canada and UAE, Anand Kumar, founder director of Super 30 -- a free coaching centre for underprivileged students who have cracked the tough IIT-Joint Entrance Examination --  has been invited to deliver a lecture at Germany's premier Technical University Dresden and Technical University of Chemnitz.

During his visit, between November 30 and December 1, Anand Kumar will also interact with the students at the Centre for Mathematics.

Minister of State Dr Eva-Maria Stange will welcome Kumar at the Technical University and deliver the welcome address.

Kumar will also visit the Royal Cabinet of Mathematical and Physical Instruments (Mathematischer-Physikalischer Salon) in the Staatliche Kunstsammlung Dresden.

The lecture at the Technical University Dresden, one of the oldest universities in Germany, will be attended by protectors of the universities in Saxony, Deans of the Mathematic Departments, representatives of other universities, students.

Dr Kuhme, Head of the University Department of the State Ministry of Saxony for Science and Culture, will be with Anand on his arrival.

He will stay at the guest house of Max-Planck Institute, known for its research in life sciences, natural sciences and the social and human sciences.

Anand will also interact with the Indian and German students at the Technical University of Chemnitz.

On the last day of his visit, he will visit the Royal Cabinet of Mathematical and Physical Instruments (Mathematischer-Physikalischer Salon) in the Staatliche Kunstsammlung Dresden Centre for Mathematics.

A meeting with Prorector for Education and International relations of the TU Dresden is also scheduled.

In October 2015, Anand was invited to France to address students at the country's famous ESSEC School and be part of the screening of the film The Big Day, directed by famous French director Pascal Plisson and and involving the inspiring journey of one of the Super 30 students.

Earlier, he had also been invited to the MIT, Harvard and Stanford in the USA to deliver lectures.

In the past, many filmmakers from different countries have made films on Super 30 including the Al Jazeera and Discovery channel.

Kumar said the invitation to lecture in Germany was a huge motivation for him and he felt good that a small initiative like Super 30 had been appreciated across the globe.

"It is an honour to speak before knowledgeable people of one of the developed countries of the world. Being from Bihar, I feel proud and hope such motivations will give me strength to
keep doing what I have been doing with greater zeal," he added.

MI Khan
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