"Most German schools accept credentials from the academic path you have chosen.
"Securing top school admission for MBA can also depend on your experience."
Overseas education consultant NNS Chandra offers advice on how to pick the right international education.
For those who missed the chat on August 7, here's the unedited transcript:
R-K Roy: Sir, probably you missed my request.....re posting it. My daughter's GPA till 6th Sem is 8.98 and expecting GRE score of around 320.
She wants to do MS in system engineering, currently pursuing BTech in EEE.
Would like to know the recommended university by you and wht is the scope of system engg
NNS Chandra: BU should be a good option. Case western is another.
I have my students studying in Cornell in same programme.
The specific college list should be prepared based on lot of data. I would be glad to provide my input. Start with an SOP.
Santosh Kumar: Studying MArch in Singapore is worth or should I try for USA university.
NNS Chandra: The content and delivery of the programme (in most cases) should remain the same in Singapore and USA. But, when you are doing a masters, you need opportunities in explore further, attend conferences, internships, etc, right?
In my opinion, American University students gets much better opportunities in those areas.
VINOD G: Sir, What n where should I study in the US. pls advice
NNS Chandra: That is a loaded question my friend. I can suggest several schools, like Dartmouth, Princeton, Yale. Right?
It means very little until I have full and more details about you. Right? Your grade? Your SAT? ECs? E-mail me with all details. I can send in some ideas.
rahil: Sir can you suggest any good programme name for me and its cost estimate.
NNS Chandra: programme can be depending several criteria including your interest, training so far etc. An SOP or a resume would be a good place to begin with.
VINOD G: Hi, sir I'm in XII com. I want to become a equity research analyst n work in wall street, what should I study to reach my goal , pls suggest
NNS Chandra: Wow! Equity Analyst in Wall street? Great, Kiran. Appreciate your interest. Study economics and mathematics.
Even look for a some great programmes specific in econometric. For now work hard in your 12th grade. Participate in academic competitions. Secure solid admissions. E-mail me if you need specific directions.
rahil: Hi sir I have done my BTech in CSE in 2014 now I don't have job so thinking of abroad studies what will be a cheapest plan for me for studies and job as I don't have that much financial support.
NNS Chandra: Rahil, I understand. I would recommend you to seriously consider Canada and do a short programme. And then take next step in studies while working and earning (saving for studies).
R-K Roy: Secondly, would like to know the job prospects post MS in system engineering..
NNS Chandra: Systems engineering is a wide interdisciplinary field and the job prospects peaked last few years.
Your work in masters programme and internship would determine the direction, in my opinion.
Soumyajit Das: Hello, as a follow up to my earlier question, I wanted to also know if most students, if they have a reasonably good post graduate record in their chosen college (MS programme in the US) and if they have prior work experience in an IT firm in India, will they be placed while they are still in campus, do the US college officials have campus placements and interviews?
NNS Chandra: Most of the times campus placements in US doesn't work or organised like in India.
There will be regular job fairs. Where company reps would be available.
You present yourself, get them interested in you and move forward. Professors play a major role too, as they can make recommendations.
RAKESH CHOWDHARY: I have done BTech (IT) and MTech (CS) and have two years work experience in a good company.
Advise me what should I study so that i can work and settle down in Canada or USA.Rakesh Chowdhary
NNS Chandra: Rakesh, look at options in combined MPhil and PhD. If you are interested in research.
One of my students from Sri Lanka came to Canada after her Masters to do Professional Development course in UT. And before end of first sem she got two job offers.
It depends on you and how you see. How much smart you work, right?
Jaya-Prakash Pagadala: My wife has done MSc Maths, does US universities provide degree in teaching, what would be fee, will there be any scholarships?
What is eligibility? IELTS Score? Does she also have to attempt GRE? Will there be any internships later? or jobs?
Do you recommend any other countries where there is free education
NNS Chandra: Of course there are great graduate level programmes in teaching. My colleague here in Iowa did her teaching masters in International education from Columbia University.
And Jaya Prakash, she will have to take GRE and should give IELTS/TOEFL.
Internships should be available and that depends on school she selects. To teach in American schools she need to acquire teaching license after her graduation.
Ansu Abraham: I have completed my BCom and want to do my masters abroad can you pls suggest me the procedure and the economical college
NNS Chandra: It depends Abraham, depends on what you are interested, where you want to study etc. For example, in USA, we need GRE score to begin with to apply for MS. One way to start is to write your Statement of Purpose (SOP). That exercise would give you a sense of direction.
AANAG: Dear Sir, I m suraj, I have done my 3 years BTech(ETC) in lateral entry after 3 years Diploma engg.
I want to study MBA in Germany whether I will be eligible to do MBA,according to my 3 years degree.Kindly suggest.With regards,suraj.
NNS Chandra: Most German schools accept credentials from the academic path you have chosen. Securing top school admission for MBA can also depend on your experience. How many years of industry experience you have Aanag?
INDIRA RAJAGOPAL: Dear Sir, my daughter wants to study MS in MIS in US.
She has completed her B.Tech with good academic records and has 4 years of work experience.
Could you suggest some good universities and also the expenses. She is giving her GRE in the next week. With regards Indu
NNS Chandra: Hello Indira, I would rather wait for GRE results to think of universities expenses would vary from 35,000 USD to 45,000 USD per year including everything.
This number is based on average by my students. It can vary depending on school, city, programme.
satish siriyannavar: My daughter who is studying in class x now wants to pursue her studies in medicine. Please guide to study in U.S.
NNS Chandra: Hi Sathish, studying medicine in US is a long process. She must secure admission to a solid pre-med programme (like in John Hopkins or Cornell) or an integrated medicine programme like in BU or Brown. Challenging. Can be done.
Please ask her to e-mail me I can give her some tip and directions.
Soumyajit Das: Hello , I wanted to know, after applying to an MS programme in the US in Computer Science , what are the chances of getting a good job after I graduate ?
NNS Chandra: Hi Das, There is still a shortage for qualified and well trained IT professionals.
I recently read that 40 per cent of international students in MS CS programme should have a job offer in their hand before they graduate.
dharmesh shah: my son is in 3rd year of mechanical engineering and he wants to do ms in automobile engineering. So far he is getting CGPI up to 7.8.
Suggest any suitable university from Germany or USA? You can send me all the details on following email id - dharmesh1968@rediffmail.com
NNS Chandra: Hi Shah, University selection depends mostly on your GPA, but also must consider GRE, and your purpose, ECs. Please give additional details.
Lead image used for representational purposes only. Credit: SamRosenbaum/Creative Commons
Have questions for NNS Chandra? Post them here! You may also email him on syam.chandra@transwebglobal.com
Based in Boston, USA, Chandra is an engineer by training, an academician by trade and researcher by passion.
He often shuttles between India and the US to coach students in admission related counselling.
He is associated with professional organisations like Study Iowa, NACAC, OCACA, ACA, ASCA to name a few.