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Advice to 15-yr-old self: 'Choose your career wisely'
December 08, 2019 10:03 IST

We'd asked you, dear readers, to write a message to your 15-year-old self.
Rediff reader Irish Verma, 35 from Chandigarh shares his message:

IMAGE: 'Figure out what you want to become in life and work tirelessly to achieve that goal,' says Irish Verma. Photograph: Kind courtesy Irish Verma

Dear 15-year-old Irish,

You have now reached that phase of life which is going to play a decisive role in shaping up your future.

There will be attractions and distractions.

There will be peer pressure and high expectations from your family too.

There will be mistakes and heartbreaks.

There will be laughter and tears.

Amidst all this, you have to learn to stay strong.

Whenever you are confused or find yourselves alone, don't hesitate to seek advice from your parents or elders in the family.

Figure out what you want to become in life and work tirelessly to achieve that goal.

Your parents may want you to become a doctor or engineer, but if you are interested in sports or want to join the Armed Forces, tell them about it and ask for their support.

Don't let others bog you down and doubt your own capabilities.

Stay confident and stay away from negative people at school or in the society you live in.

Make friends who share your happiness and sorrows. Be friends with peers who encourage and motivate you to be the best version of yourself.

Don't just work towards becoming a successful person but a person with high moral values who treats kids and elders with same respect.

Be compassionate towards other living beings.

I know you will be influenced by materialistic things and may feel inferior if you don't have a luxury car, latest iPhone or a lavish bungalow.

Remember to spare some time to understand your parents' financial limitations and don't put unnecessary pressure on them to buy you things they find difficult to afford. Rather, work towards achieving your goals so you can enjoy luxuries of life that your parents can't afford to do now.

Don't be too hard on yourself.

Sometimes you may not score high in an examination or perform well in your favourite sport. These things do happen. There's always another day.

Always try to improve and learn from your mistakes; good results will come.

I would like you to maintain a fine balance between studies and fun.

It's perfectly fine to go out for movies with friends and party occasionally, but not at the cost of your studies.

Learn to value money. Don't be a spendthrift; because your parents have worked hard for it.

If you have friends who are richer and live an affluent life, realise your limitations and don't compare yourself to them.

Remember that millions of young boys like you who live in different parts of our country don't even get a healthy meal.

In the end, I will advise you to choose your career wisely.

Stay focused, work hard to achieve that goal.

Put in your best efforts and leave the rest to destiny.

Be a successful professional but also a good human being.


Dear readers, do you remember what your first salary was?

When did you receive it? Which year was it?

Do you have a photograph of it?

What did it mean to you at the time? Tell us all about it.

What was your first job and salary? And how did you spend it?

Did you buy a sari for your mum or a gift for your girl/boyfriend?

Write in to us at (Subject line 'My First Salary') along with your NAME, AGE, LOCATION and photograph, if possible. We will publish the best responses right here on!

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