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US studies: 'Treat it as a life-time experience'

August 23, 2007 09:53 IST
What's life like as a student in America?

Is it easy to make friends and thrive socially?

How do faculty and staff treat you?

Is it difficult to network professionally and find employment after graduation?

Aadhan Aazhi, who studied in the US for seven years, shared his opinion on these matters with Get Ahead readers on an August 8 chat.

For those of you who missed the chat, here's the transcript:

Part I: 'You are a better person by the end!'

chilli asked, do you think its possible to communicate with your teachers and do your teachers understand you? what about axcent problem?

Aadhan answers, Just be slow and clear in communicating. The accent might be difficult for many people to understand, inititally. But the same holds out for them as well. They are patient, and they have office hours where they can see students on a 1-on-1 basis to address all your needs.

peregrine asked, Hi Aadhan, what are the monthly living expenses in a city like Boston? Can a person doing a 1 year intensive PG manage to work part time?

Aadhan answers, Boston is indeed an expensive city. I have friends who pay $1500 a month (Rs 60,000) for a small studio apartment. Depending on your line of study, and the intensity, you may or may not be able to work part time. But you should be prepared for that.

astro asked, do the professors n people there respect and understand the indian accent? is indian accent an issue there?

Aadhan answers, Mostly people complain that we speak very fast. So you need to be aware of that and speak slowly and clearly so they are able to understand!

astro asked, how much can an engineering guy persuin his masters earn in a month during CPT? .. and is tax deducted from whatever u ear during CPT?

Aadhan answers, In Virginia, for example, during CPT, as an computer science student working with a company during the summer months, you can expect to make $1500-$2000 a month (Rs 60,000-80,000), and summer is May-August. Even if tax is deducted it will be reimbursed the following year when you file your tax returns.

astro asked, hows the job scene for automobile manufacturing industries in the US? .. do large companies like GM, FORD etc sponsor visas for international students easily? .. Do univs there help you to fing jobs? ..

Aadhan answers, I have friends who work directly and/or consult for GM/Ford. So I would guess that shouldn't be a problem. Universities have a Career Management Center, where they help you with preparing resumes, mock interviews and arrage job fairs and help you prepare. It is essentially a one-stop resource. I would highly recommend you to fully utilise their services!

RajaS asked, Do you think american degree is worth much in India? Do employers look favorably on these educations?

Aadhan answers, Fairly difficult question to answer. I think you should look at the bigger picture and treat it as a life-time experience. It is a great opportunity at the end of the day, regardless of any other factors.

astro asked, whats the transportation like out there? .. is having a car almost mandatory for travel? .. ive heard that smaller cities there dont have good public transportation .. is that true?

Aadhan answers, Transportation could be an issue if you're in a smaller city. Bigger cities like Boston, Chicago, NY, Washington DC are all well-connected by public transport system. But getting a used car is very common and very affordable. And petrol is fairly cheaper. So it might be an option to consider also. It depends on where you are going!

Neeli asked, Hi Aadhan.. I have heared that the intenational students cannot work off campus during their semester or atleast for first it true ?

Aadhan answers, Yes, you are correct. You can work off-campus after the first year only if it is part of your line of study and with a company (CPT, internship or co-op). Working off-campus at gas stations, Dunkin Donuts etc. is considered illegal with dire consequences if caught!

astro asked, whats the cost of renting cars in US? .. how easy is it to get a driving license there? .. is the international driving license valid there? .. do you need a social security number or a US license to hire a car? ..

Aadhan answers, Renting cars can be inexpensive, as much as even $10 a day (Rs 400), but you have take into consideration full insurance costs (another $20 a day, or Rs 800). And yes, you can rent with your International Driving license. Although the IDL is valid only for 1 year, if I am not mistaken.

sabareesh asked, HI I am saba here basically I am a mechanical engineer and can I pursue my studies in oil and gas related engineering

Aadhan answers, I am sorry, I dont have enough background information to answer your question. But I am sure you can find the answer by doing extensive research on google.

peregrine asked, Hi, ever heard of Hult Intternational Business School in Boston, MA. what's your opinion on its MBA course?

Aadhan answers, I am not familiar with Hult Int'l Business School, so I may not be the best person to answer this question. Sorry!

ps1 asked, How about San Francisco living expenses, job prospects and Indian population density

Aadhan answers, San Francisco is another expensive US city. But with its close proximity to Silicon Valley, there are a lot of jobs available and a ton of Indians in the area. California is general has a very high cost of living compared to many cities on the east coast.

Krunal asked, Hi i am krunal is indian helth insurance in valid for SJSU-San jose -LA ?

Aadhan answers, You will have to check with your International student office on that. Some university may accept it, if the coverage is equivalent to the one they offer. But dont take a chance. Confirm with your unviersity. Health insurance is a mandatory requirement!

astro asked, if i have to take a loan for masters .. do you recommend i take one from US with the help of a co-signer or from India? ..

Aadhan answers, I doubt if you can take a US loan with a co-signer in India. I don't know for sure.

Sundaram asked, How is the life in U.S as a part of Student

Aadhan answers, It can be very interesting and challenging. You need to be aware of your surrounding and have a open mind to observe and absorb the experience. You learn many valuable lessons which you might not learn otherwise!

sureshganti asked, i heard about various colleges and uni's in USA who offers MBA without GMAT. do you suggest to opt to such kind of uni's?

Aadhan answers, Honestly the number of universities that give admission for a MBA without a GMAT are few. So you have less options to choose from. So if not for anything else, just for that one reason I wouldn't opt for that route.

Neeli asked, ok.. If i cannot work off campus for first year, Is it easy to get on campus job..? what could be appox. earning/month from on campus..?

Aadhan answers, It is fairly easy to get a on-campus job. You can expect to make $500-$600 a month (about Rs 20,000) depending on where you are at!

Krunal asked, Do you think we should be in unevercity at time of oreaintentation.

Aadhan answers, Orientation is very important and can be extremely useful. so I would highly recommend it!

Part I: 'You are a better person by the end!'

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