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Study Abroad: 'US best for job opportunities'

August 14, 2007 11:16 IST
Getting an internship while you are studying at a foreign university is crucial for you to get a job after you graduate.

So naturally, every student pursuing a degree abroad should try to get an internship. Keep in mind, however, that this is a very difficult process, with questions such as:

What will help me earn an internship?

What's the best method for pursuing my dream career?

Are there internships available in my field?

Karan Gupta, overseas education consultant, answered these questions and more during an August 2, 2007 chat.

For those of you who missed it, here's the chat transcript:

Part I: Internships require merit and hard work 

sambit asked, masters in medical biochemistry from a medical college. scope for phd in UK, Us. no self supporting finance. scholarship required.

Karan Gupta answers, Scholarships from UK universities are very rare. If you are applying for a PhD, you should ideally apply to US universities. Here your chances of funding are higher.

ash2050 asked, sir i am a BE graduate passout just now.... i have learnt that all universities ask 4r work exp. of atleast
2yrs. for a MBA course... can u tell me some universities which donot ask 4r such exp. for MBA course??

Karan Gupta answers, All 'good' universities ask for prior full-time work experience. Some universities in the US such as RIT, may admit students without prior work experience.

sameerce asked, Is a MBA degree from top Canada University comparable with those from top US or Europe universities? Do such universities provide opportunities outside Canada?

Karan Gupta answers, You should compare individual universities rather than comparing countries. In general, the US is the best for job opportunities.

Harpreet asked, hi karan. I am a NIFT graduate. Are there fashion related courses or internships available abroad? I am a post graduate in garment manufacturing and technology. Pls do not mistake me for a design student. Thanks.

Karan Gupta answers, In order to get internships abroad, you should ideally be studying abroad. In between your course abroad you will get options to pursue an internship. From India itself, getting an internship abroad will be very difficult.

ash2050 asked, also which option is better: - doing MBA 1st and getting a job or getting a exp. 1st & going 4r MBA???

Karan Gupta answers, First get work experience and then consider an MBA.

ajaypan asked, hi karan myself is mechanical engineer and law graduate and working in Intellectual property rights patents & industrial design .i want to pursue L.L.M FROM CANADA OR US IN I.P.R .PLS GUIDE THANKS

Karan Gupta answers, For admissions to an LLM programme you will need to appear for the TOEFL only. Apply to the universities one year prior to the year you want to start your course.

AbhishekG asked, please let me where i will get that tips? Any book or any column???

Karan Gupta answers, You can read the article I wrote on internships. It has some web sites listed as well.

drprakashchandra asked, hiiii karan,wtz the procedures for indian doctors to get into gernamny???

Karan Gupta answers, You can apply for a Master's degree programme in German universities.

biozone asked, A very good afternoon Mr karan...myself ankit presently pursuing 4th yr of btech biotechnology and i am interested in the area of bioprocess design & development and its economics ..could you suggest me how can i search and apply for intern ooportunities in the above mentioned field for carrying out my 6 months bachelors thesis and also for 1 yr intern opportunities after my bachelors. I am interested in going for an MS/PhD after few yrs of hands on exposure in the related field.Looking forward for your suggestions.thanks for being here ...

Karan Gupta answers, In order to get internships abroad, you should ideally be studying abroad. In between your course abroad you will get options to pursue an internship. From India itself, getting an internship abroad will be very difficult.

garima asked, Hi Karan, I am want to do a post grad in magazine journalism from UK. I have 3 yrs of work ex. can you please suggest few universities which are good for this course. Also , a good internship and work possible after I study there..?

Karan Gupta answers, You can have a look at University of London's Goldsmith College. They offer courses in Journalism. For internships follow the procedures mentioned in my article.

hallea asked, Dear Sir Is there any intership for PhD Soil science and Agricultural Chemistry(AGRICULTURE) and if so in which country. Please reply me

Karan Gupta answers, Yes, there are internships. I would recommend that you look at US universities.

vamshi asked, can u help me with australian university. i would like to do MBA .

Karan Gupta answers, Apply for your GMAT and IELTS and then you can consider universities such as the University of Melbourne and Australian Graduate School of Management.

sameerce asked, Hi Karan, What percentage of fees can be obtained as scholarships in Insead, IMD or IE (Spain)? Which of these have a good record of providing scholarships?

Karan Gupta answers, Generally, these schools can offer a maximum of 50% of tuition fees. However, this will vary from school to school and will depend on how much money the school has for scholarships. I know that IE has 10 scholarships a year for Asian students.

AnjaliV asked, My son has interned two years with Goldman and Sachs, all unpaid. This is ridiculuos. They only pay for his housing bills. Now, they are not sure to give him full0time job. Will other companies use his internrship in their considerations of him?

Karan Gupta answers, Yes, his experience will be valuable. He may start off at a higher position in the new firms that he applies to.

A1S2D3 asked, hi Karan,Im 6 yrs experienced in sales and distribution and i want to which MBA (specilazation) is good for me if i want to pursue higher eductaion in MBA and what could be the cost per yr in some good universities and what are my chances of getting an internship and what could be the time period i could expect the internship cuming my way.

Karan Gupta answers, Evaluate your career goals and then decide on your field of specialisation. An MBA may cost you around $40,000 (Rs 16,00,000) per year depending on the university you choose. Internships can be obtained if you network well and you can get internships one year after studying.

raj22 asked, hello sir, i m the student of NITK. and my stream is electronics and communication engginerring. I also like to do inter aboard. What necessary thing i have to do in order to fulfilll this.

Karan Gupta answers, In order to get internships abroad, you should ideally be studying abroad. In between your course abroad you will get options to pursue an internship. From India itself, getting an internship abroad will be very difficult.

sameerce asked, Which are the best universities for full-time International MBA?

Karan Gupta answers, Harvard, Wharton (University of Pennsylvania) and Northwestern.

firdaus asked, Is it possible to get foreign company to sponsor your education?

Karan Gupta answers, Yes, in some cases; if you have worked with the company for many years they may agree to pay for your MBA.

Jajwalya asked, Hi Karan, I am an Electronics Engineer. working in embedded field...i am very much interested to persue MS in robotics with job...i dont have any GRE/TOFEL score, so how can i proceed ?

Karan Gupta answers, If you want to apply to American universities, you will need the GRE and the TOEFL for admissions.

Ashaka asked, I did take GMAT but got dreadful score. wat is loweest score possible for admission? what is typical good score? 

Karan Gupta answers, A GMAT score of 680 and above is considered a good score. However, with any GMAT score you can find a school that would be willing to accept you for admissions.

asdc asked, Is it possible to intern in 'alternative' fields, like glass-blowing, set-design, fashion, etc.

Karan Gupta answers, Yes, but its harder to get internships in such fields. Sometimes the university's career office may help you find internships in such fields.

Raju Ranjan asked, Is there any intenship offered by US uiniversities or Institutes on Heritage & cultural studies...

Karan Gupta answers, Yes, but its harder to get internships in such fields. Sometimes the university's career office may help you find internships in such fields.

hallea asked,  Dear Sir Is there any intership for PhD Soil science and Agricultural Chemistry(AGRICULTURE)which i have completed in 2004 and working as a lecturer and if so in which country. Please reply me

Karan Gupta answers, In order to get internships abroad, you should ideally be studying abroad. In between your course abroad you will get options to pursue an internship. From India itself, getting an internship abroad will be very difficult.

valika asked, Goind with my huband. he has h1b visa. can i work small job wihle dependent status?

Karan Gupta answers, Visa rules vary from country to country. Generally in the US dependents are not allowed to work. In the UK, they are.

VM asked, hi my sis is currently doing her FYBCOM.........she wants to pursue may be an MBA ...but not sure what is the best field for her....

Karan Gupta answers, She should evaluate her career goals and then decide what field will suit her the best.

Cavier asked, Is it possible to get a good job out of unviersity with out internships?

Karan Gupta answers, Yes it is possible, but internships make it easier.

chaetu asked, possible to get admission in france business school? what internships offered from french unis? wat entrance exams?

Karan Gupta answers, You will need the IELTS or TOEFL for admissions. You can contact the Desk EduFrance for more information on the universities.

asdfa asked, Do Indian companies take on internship?

Karan Gupta answers, Yes, some of the Indian companies do.

Disha atri asked, Hey do i need to take the LSAT if I want to pursue LL.M. in US?

Karan Gupta answers, No, the LSAT is for admissions to the LLB course.

ASHISH_GHADI asked, I am a BCOM grd. from mumabi unv. also doing Part time MCA (Master in computer applications) currently enrolled for 2nd yr as well as doing job in IT Company,having 3.5 yrs exp. as a Software Eng. Please give me guidence how to apply abroad.and what is software job market condition is USA,UK

Karan Gupta answers, You should take the GMAT and the TOEFL and apply for an MBA abroad. Apply to universities at least one year prior to the year you want to go abroad and study.

Joah asked, I am Indian American in the US. US citizen. Any different tips for me that i should remmember?

Karan Gupta answers, No, the procedure stays the same.

maraja asked, Any standard method for getting good MBA offers?

Karan Gupta answers, For admissions to an MBA programme, you will need to appear for the GMAT and the TOEFL and have at least 3 years of full time work experience before you apply.

Shiamak asked,  Hi Karan... i am a first year management student from XIM,Bhubaneswar. I would like to pursue my summer internship next year with some company outside india... plzz suggest me some ways of contacting companies and applying...

Karan Gupta answers, In order to get internships abroad, you should ideally be studying abroad. In between your course abroad you will get options to pursue an internship. From India itself, getting an internship abroad will be very difficult.

vipins asked, are internships necessary for certain fields?

Karan Gupta answers, No, internships are not necessary for all fields. Some students get great jobs without ever having an internship. So a judgement call is needed in some cases.

Rubi asked, My brother goes to IIM Lucknow. I'm settled in New York with my family. Can he possibly be placed here through his credentials at IIM?

Karan Gupta answers, IIM has worldwide recognition and the placement cells of IIM may be able to get you placed outside India.

Part I: Internships require merit and hard work 

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