Your work doesn't stop at investing in mutual funds. Keeping track of them is as important as deciding where to invest. The account statement helps you do just that.
Once you invest in a mutual fund (MF) scheme, your MF sends you a statement within seven working days that gives details of the investments. Your MF account statement is just like a bank passbook, and gives information on all recent transactions done within a particular folio.
The Securities and Exchange Board of India mandates that in addition to sending account statements to unitholders as and when there is some action in the account (redemption, additional investment or dividend declaration, for instance), MFs also have to send an account statement, at least once a year, for every folio a unitholder has.
What to check
1. Current cost and value
Current cost is the amount you invested in a scheme while current value is the latest market value of your investments as on the date the statement is generated. Also, the price of one unit will be the net asset value (NAV) plus entry load or minus exit load.
2. Folio and account numbers
Make a note of folio and account numbers. Most MFs offer one folio number and several account numbers in the same folio for all investments under the same unitholder combination. This makes for easier tracking all your investments with same MF.
3. Bank details
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4. PAN details
It is mandatory for you to give the correct Permanent Account Number (PAN), irrespective of the amount invested. Check your PAN mentioned in the account statement and ensure there are no discrepancies.
5. Advisor name
If you have invested through an agent, your agent's name and code will appear on the statement. However, if you have invested directly, these parts should be left blank on your account statement. Ensure that this has happened.