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Would you pay for a plastic bag?
November 12, 2008 17:57 IST

Are you concerned about the growing impact of global warming?

Well, you're not the only one. According to a New York Times report, the mayor of New York Michael Bloomberg has proposed charging shoppers six cents [approx Rs 3] for every plastic shopping bag issued at the cash register. As an incentive to store owners, one out of every six cents will be given to the store itself.

If passed, New York will be one of the many other cities across the globe to actively deter the use of plastic bags in an attempt to reduce its environmental footprint. In fact, a similar tax in Ireland cut the demand for plastic bags by a whopping 94 per cent.

Do you think such an initiative should find a place in India's environmental policy?

Would you be willing to pay for a plastic bag?

With plastic bags given out at every corner, whether it's the neighbourhood bhaajiwala or the upmarket mall, would such an initiative work?

Tell us what you think on the messageboard below!  

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