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Study UK: 'Can I work part-time?'

January 31, 2008 13:11 IST

Today, UK universities offer Indian students exciting opportunties and a world-class education. To explore these options, however, you must understand the protocol and procedure.

Namely, how should you navigate the student visa process?

To answer questions about a UK education, particularly about visa-related issues, UK officials including Paul Michael chatted with Get Ahead readers on January 24.

For those of you who missed the chat, here's part 1 of the uneditted transcript:

aastha asked, how do i get UK study visa?

Jonathan Bradbury answers,  Hello, thanks for your question. The best place to start is the British Council in New Delhi. They are best placed to guide you Good luck. JB



gautam asked, Hi sir i am graduate from Delhi University through correspondence. this is my last year. i had completed my graduation in 04 years bcoz i had some serious health problems in 01 st year due o which i had not given 01 st year papers. am i eligible to pursue MBA or post graduate in UK but in good/top b school or avg b school


Paul answers, Gautam Thankyou for your question. You are eligible. You should consult the immigration rules at and look for paragraph 57 to see the criteria you will be required to meet.



sameer asked, sir i hope to study in the UK in 2010. what to do to start the process?


ac answers, Thanks sameer for your question, Please decide the program you would like to persue, at the same time you come to the British council to attend the breifings, this will help you to decide what is good for you. for more more details log in to



angelface asked, Hello sir, different visas rules for scotland than england? i am considering schools in both.


JON answers, Thank you for your question. There are no differences in vsa rules between Scotland and England. Both fall under the same set of regulations which are laid down by the British parliament under HC395, paragraph 57 - you can find this at



vidi asked, what are different type of visas?


SEAN answers, There are a number of different types of visas depending on what you are going to do in the UK. Assuming you want to go as a student you can either apply as a long term student or a student visitor depending on what you are going to study. I suggest you visit the following website Vidi thank you for your question.



vikrma asked, how to declare assets for stuent visa?

Jonathan Bradbury answers, Thank you for your question. We prefer it if your application goes through one of our Preferred Student Agents who make a good assessment of funds available. We like to see bank funds, education loan, tuition fees paid. Good luck. JB



saptarshi asked, I am holding a HSMP visa. I want to do part time MBA while working in UK. Is it possible to do part time MBA when I am holding HSMP? If yes could you please suggest some good colleges for that?

Paul answers, Saptarshi Thankyou for your question.\\Yes you are permitted to study whilst on a HSMP visa.\\You should contact British Council for course and college reccomendations via their website at Paul



mam asked, Dear Sir, which are the best universities in the UK for doing PhD in Philosophy?

ac answers, Thanks for the question, please log into this will help you to decide a good institution for your self.



rohit asked, is there discrimination in the UK for indian student?

SEAN answers, There is no discrimination in the UK for Indian Students. There a numerous Indian students who all successfully complete courses in the UK. Thank you for your question.



simmy asked, what is the age limit for students? can i study at boarding school at the age of 14 if i am a india resident? how does this work?

ac answers, thanks for the question Simmy, yes you can apply to the boarding schools at this age. for details log in at



Dilip asked, Do you know where to go if I live in South India?

Jonathan Bradbury answers, We have a British Deputy High Commission in Chennai and a British Council there also. Visit



Param asked, Param again: With reference to Doctoral programs or MS programsin UK in Insurance/ Computer Science/ Finance, kindly provide the details of universites offering the same, eligibiltiy requirements, procedure to apply for the same and the cost (budget) for pursuing the couses.

Paul answers, Param Thankyou for your question. You should contact British Council via their website at Here you will get guidance on courses and institutions and the cost of these courses and associated living costs in the UK. Paul



vikky asked, What are employment options while I study?

Jonathan Bradbury answers, Thank you for your question. You can work 20 hours per week part time whilst in the UK on a student visa.



manoj asked, hello !! i have submtted my student visa application on friday 18th jan. but avent recd any call for interview or rejection nor have recd and confirmatin of visa. im getting very ancoius about it.what should i do?thank you.

SEAN answers, I suggest you telephone the British High Commission and ask to be put through to the Visa Section help desk. They will be able to advise you of the status of your application. Thank you for your question.



gautam asked, sir if visa is once rejected.then can we apply again ..if yes then at what time gap.& what are the common reasons for rejecting visa. THANK YOU in advance

JON answers, Thank you for your question. Yes, if your visa application is rejected, you can apply again at any time. There is no gap between your rejection and being able to re-apply. However, you should seek to address all the points of a previous refusal. The most common reasons for refusal are a lack of funding, the ECO not being satisfied the applicant will follow a course and the ECO not being satisfied the applicant is able to follow a course.



manav asked, How much does UK education cost? What are acceptance rates of Indian students? Is this worth it for me?

ac answers, Thanks for the question, the cost of education varies, depends on the courses you wish to persue, and at what level you want to persue at, the average fee for a post graduate program is approx. GBP 9000. for more details please log into



Saniil asked, What employment education option is a good combined measure? I must work 20 hours per week and also study to earn MBA.

ac answers, thanks for the question Saniil, yes you can work for 20 hrs, per week, and at the same time earn your management degree.



pankil asked, What are advantage of UK education over US education?

Paul answers, Pankil\\Thankyou for your question. This is for you to decide.\\What I can say is that the UKs education system is respected around the world. You will have to look at the visa requirements for both countries and see which criteria you meet and also importantly investigate areas of progression into further education or employment. You should look at, Paul



appy asked, Can my uncle help me pay for UK education? He is based in US,

JON answers, Thanks for your question. Yes, your uncle can help fund your studies in the UK. As long as funding is available and your uncle is willing of course. You should note that we prefer to see funds in Indian bank accounts though as we cannot check USA based bank accounts from India - this is part of our verification process.



sauruv asked, How much money will visa process cost to me?

JON answers, Thanks for your question. The fees for a UK student visa are currently Rs. 8450. This fee is not refundable should your application be refused.



gautam asked, sir if visa is once rejected, then can we apply again. if yes then at what time gap & what are the common reasons for rejecting visa THANK YOU in advance.

SEAN answers, You are free to apply for a visa at anytime, there is no time gap. When you re apply for your visa you should attempt to address the points of the original refusal notice. There are numerous reasons that visa may be refused. Thank you for your question



hemant asked, what is living expenses in UK including accomodation outside the academic campus

Jon B answers, Thank you for your message. The British Council estimates that the cost of living in London including accommodation is GBP 7,300 per annum



vvsn asked, Doing MS in USA or UK which is best ? which will more weightage in getting jobs? Why most of the students preffering to do MS in USA instead of UK?

Paul answers, VVSN Thankyou for your question This is for you to decide.\\What I can say is that the UKs education system is respected around the world. You will have to look at the visa requirements for both countries and see which criteria you meet and also importantly investigate areas of progression into further education or employment. You should look at, Paul



bdinesh asked, my son aged 15 who is going to pass 10th standard this May, 2008 wants to go to UK to study and join some football club/training centre. How should we go about it?

JON answers, Thanks for your question. I would begin by finding out what courses are offered by UK football clubs / academies. The British Council in India should be able to point you in the right direction. There website is at Good luck.



ls asked, Hi paul,i am an Architect from bangalore.I want to know about the specialization courses for ARCHITECTURE.

ac answers, thanks for the question, yes you can persue some more programs. please doa course search, you can log in at if you want more details please attend the British Council presentations, else visit the forthcoming exhibition.for details log in to



phillip asked, I am Indian Catholic but raised in Germany. I hold German citizenship. As EU member, does this help me with visa?

Paul answers, Phillip Thankyou for your question. If you have a German passport you are free to travel to the UK without a visa. If you have an Indian passport with a German resident permit then you will need to apply for a student visa. Paul



Gaurav asked, i m doing BE ..but wnt to do MBA frm London ?

ac answers, thanks Gaurav,yes you can do your MBA from UK, if you want more details visit the nearest British Council



vmn asked, Can students work during their study and after the course

SEAN answers, If you are applying as a long term student you are able to work in the UK part time whilst also studying. If you are applying as a student visitor you are not able to work. Thank you for your question.



Saurabh asked, Hello sir, I am an experienced software professional and planning for HSMP visa. Would there be any work hour restriction for me if I choose to work along with my studies at UK ?

JON answers, Thanks for your question. No, there is no restriction on working and studying on an HSMP visa. It is up to you to decide how much time you wish to devote to each.



10_fahim asked, hello Sir Do i know wat'z d simplest method to get study viza n admission in uk colg.

Paul answers, Fahim First you should contact British Council via their website at paul



Sachin asked, Hi paul, i want to know about britishcouncil office in bangalore

Jon B answers, visit



Deepak asked, Hi, I would like to to MBA from London Business School of Managment. I got 11 yrs of exp in IT. Which course would you suggest me (Course as well as duration of the course) for which LBM is most popular ?

ac answers, Deepak thanks for the question, you can do your MBA from LBS, please log in to, this will help you to decide a good course for you



ashu_chitra22 asked, hi I am a software engineer wish to pursue MBA from one of the top universities of the world kindly suggest me as to how an MBA from U.K. is different than U.S and also the career growth, scholarships financial help received from Univesities?Whether they consider GMAT or GMAT/TOEFL or any other test? kindly suggest.

Paul answers, Chitra Thankyou for your question This is for you to decide.\\What I can say is that the UKs education system is respected around the world. You will have to look at the visa requirements for both countries and see which criteria you meet and also importantly investigate areas of progression into further education or employment. You should look at, Paul



PARAG asked, My son is 13 years old and studying in Class 8 in a CBSE school. When can I send him to UK for further studies?

SEAN answers, Generally further education starts in the UK at age 18 after completion of A Levels the equiliant qualification in India is 10+2.



shantea asked, What is the best option for student visa? Is there a 6 year visa

SEAN answers, The length of the visa issued depends on the duration of the course that you are going to study. There is no specific 6 year student visa.



habib asked, I want to complete my Ph.D. in CS/IT by off campus or Parttime because of my present job .Is there any recognised University to provide such facility

Paul answers, Habib Thankyou for your question. In order to qualify as a student in the UK your chosen course of study must be a full time course with 15 hours of study per week. You can see the full requirements of the student rules in paragraph 57 of the immigration rules. Please go to Paul



vvsn asked, I came to know that there is no work permit for the students who perform Study in UK. But in USA a student can work and earn parallelly. Why this kind of restriction is there in UK?

JON answers, Students who travel to the United Kingdom can work for 20 hours part-time. Upon completion of a British degree, PG Diploma or Masters Degree, you are entitled to apply for the International Graduates Scheme (IGS) that allows the student to work for one-year. The graduate would then have to obtain a UK work permit or HSMP document to remain in the UK after that one-year period. Thanks for your question.



HemantIIPRkanpur asked, What is period of longterm student visa and student visa

Jon B answers, the duration of the visa is according to how long the course is, then we add on four months to complete the thesis etc.



Sunil asked, Hi. Am Sunil. I've done my Computer Science Engineering and I've 3 years of experience in Windows and Network Administration and now Working as Network Analyst. I'm also MCSA(Microsoft) certified and now persuing a course on SAP Basis admin Course. I'd like to know whether it is suitable for me to go for Higher studies in UK for MBA (preferable in IT systems). If so which colleges are offering such courses. Please advise. thanks

Paul answers, Sunil Please contact the British Council via their website at They will be able to guide you with regard to courses and institutions in the UK. Paul



Amit asked, Hello Mr. Paul. I am in Supply Chain Filed and would like ot do PG course in Supply Chain. Would you able to assist me to find the course in Supply Chain?

ac answers, thanks for the question, you ca take a coursre in your field, please visit, here you can do a course search of your choice, and decide.



lak asked, Are there more chances of getting student visa for an architecture student

SEAN answers, There are no specific courses in the UK that mean you have got more chance of getting a student visa for the UK.



bharti asked, different visa needed for engineering degree versus Mba degree

Jon B answers, no its the same category D-Student.



vvsn asked, What about doing M Sc in Hert Ford Shire (HIBT)University? Is it a good ranking University? How Old it is?

Paul answers, VVSN The choice of an institution is a personal one. You should look at their own website and see if it suits your requirements. As for rankings British Council will be able to help you. Contact them via Paul



kumar asked, how to get h1 visa

JON answers, The H1B visa is an American visa for highly skilled persons. The UK equivalent is the HSMP visa which is valid for two-years. For further information, please visit Thanks for your question.



ritesh asked, Hi Sir I am Test Analyst and want to go for MBA in UK.Where can I get the information and what should I be looking for?I have no clue of UK education and the procedures to get into. Thanks!

ac answers, Ritesh, you can do your MBA from UK, for more information vist, else visit our exhibition for more interaction.



prik asked, i ve done Bsc. i m interested in taking TRANSLATION as a career. please suggest good universities.

Jon B answers, visit or try and come in to a British Council office near you.



sreenu asked, Hi i am sreenu in India i am studying B.Sc (comp)final year.i want to study in uk.which course is better for me?

SEAN answers, I am not able to say which course would be better for you. It is up to the individual to decide which course best suits their educational background and what they want to do in the future.



pratyush asked, hello, i want to know that after completing my hotel management degree, wat are the other courses i can apply for and suggest me some good unversities or colleges for it. thank you.

Paul answers, Pratyush Please contact the British Council via their website at They will be able to guide you with regard to courses and institutions in the UK. Paul



Rakesh asked, I have completed an MBA (Finance) In India. If i will get Study Visa in UK, even can i work in UK on the basis of my MBA Indian Degree.

ac answers, Rakesh, you work and study at the same time if you are persuing your MBA from UK. visit



lak asked, which is the best pg course for me

Paul answers, Lak Please contact the British Council via their website at They will be able to guide you with regard to courses and institutions in the UK. Paul



Malhar asked, Sir, I want to start my study in UK from Cranfield University in March 2009. I want to take up the MSc in Computing Forensics. Could you please let me know when would be the best time to start the application procedure and also what are the employment opportunities for computer forensic professionals ? I'm currently working as security consultant and have 3 years of experience.

Jon B answers, You can apply six months before the start of your course. So I suggest you start the visa application in October 2008.



moncy asked, how to get job viza?

Paul answers, Moncy Please can I refer you to



Namita asked, hi i would like to pursue MBa in Uk how should i go abt it ? i have 3 yrs of exp in IT

SEAN answers, I suggest that you look at the following website Thank you for your question



michelle asked, give good links for uk education

JON answers, The following links may help you.,,,,, All of these will offer you further information on which courses are available, what student events are being held by the British council in Delhi and how to apply to British universities and colleges through UCAS. Thanks.



balaji asked, What would be the best place to get information in bangalore?

Jon B answers, we have a British Council (library) in Bangalore who have all the information on studies in the UK



toby asked, i am indian in Kenya. what visa rules apply here?

Paul answers, Toby Please see and contact local UK Visas and British Council offices. Paul



Vijay asked, hi this is vijay from dubai, i'm working here as a fashion buyer, would like to know what kind courses are available in this category in UK, pls advise websites on the same, thanks

ac answers, Vijay, you can take up some courses in UK, to decide on courses for your self, please log in to



HemantIIPRkanpur asked, If I will get commonwealth fellowship (for 3 years) for Ph.D. Will I eligible to do part-time job/work in UK

Paul answers, Hemant Under the immigration rules you are permitted to work up to 20 hours per week during term time and full time durring your holidays. Paul



anurag asked, film studies falls under student visa, correct?

JON answers, Yes, a course in film studies would fall under the UK student rules - as long as you intend to study at a recognised college.



Bobby asked, Hi There i am BE in Computers and would like to pursue MBA in U.K.Can you please suggest me some universities and some web links which will be useful for me to go through. Thanks in advance.

ac answers, Bobby, please log into, to decide a course for your self. you can visit for more details.



vurub asked, i have already studied at US university but quit without degree and was having personal problems. will this cause trouble if i want to apply to uk university now.


SEAN answers, each application is assessed on its own merits. If you were to apply to study in the UK it would be useful to explain why you quit your course in the US and supply evidence of why you did not complete your degree.



Pati asked, hi poul, can I ask you for your e-mail id, i have lots of queries and its not possible for you to confront everything in this chat session. if u think its not ok to project your e-mail id here , then you can write an e-mail to me in waiting for your reply. thank you for your time. Binit.

Paul answers, Pati I am unable to post my email ID but please send your queries to Paul



kushagra asked, what are the courses available for a Chartered Accountant?

Jon B answers, ACCA courses are run in the UK. visit



s.r. asked, sir, i want to pursue BCA In overseas then what are the charges for that

ac answers, SR, if you wish to do in UK. then the average course fee would be GBP 10000, for more detaisl visit



Ramkrupal asked, Hi Paul, I'm Ram and a software professional holding a work permit to UK. My wife is accompanying me to UK on a dependent Visa. Will she be eligible to work/Study in UK? Many Thanks

JON answers, Ramkrupal, Thanks, a work permit dependant can study or work in the UK without restriction for the length of the visa.



Jiten asked, Myself Jitendra Kumar. I have completed B.Com and I want to study in abroad. What shall i do?

SEAN answers, I suggest that you decide what you want to study and where. There is useful information at the following websites:,



chandu asked, I would like to study MS.Pls give me some of the information about that.

Jon B answers, you should try and find a course from one of our Fast Track institutions. visit



sridhar asked, hello , this is sridhar, i completed my btech computer science engg, and i have 3.5 years as software programmer. you please advice to which masters i have to take in uk to achieve good postion in carrer. Master means MBA / MS

ac answers, Sridhar, to decide for good course for your self visit, else visit the forthcoming Education UK exhibiton



Malhar asked, Thank you sir. Could you please let me know work opportunities for me after the completion of my MSc (Computing Forensics)? I hold a valid Certified Ethical Hacker certification from EC council and am Checkpoint and Cisco certified.

Paul answers, Malhar After obtaining your qualification in the Uk you may be eligible to apply to seek employment in the Uk under the International Graduate Scheme Please see paragraph 135 O of the immigration rules which you can find at Paul



mike asked, is there any age limit for pursuing for foreign student?

Jon B answers, there is no age limit.



Rahul asked, Hi Paul, thanks for being here to answers questions. I would like to know how much it cost to pursue Masters in Hotel Managment/tourism courses? Is there any ways to apply for universties except AGENTS who charges more for various courses? Waiting for favourable reply? Thanks indeed

ac answers, Hi Rahul, the average cost of doing a masters is GBP 8000, you can apply directly to the universitie, for more detaisl you can log in at, you also visit our forthcoming exhibition to some visiting delegates.



shally asked, hi, i am mtech in chemical engg,30 yrs of age what prospects do i hv to go for higher studies in u.k. and do i hv to clear some tests?

SEAN answers, You are free to apply to any UK institution for further studies. Each institution and course has its own entry requirements I am not therefore able to say specifically what tests you need to pass.



rajuk asked, Greetings! Hi,I have done my Msc(communication sys) in UK 2006.I am now working for a top MNC in India. I have checked my points for HSMP eligibility and it shows eligible. So am i elibile to apply for HSMP visa and if i apply how long i will get the Visa ? Cheers.

Jon B answers, the application takes approx. four weeks. you are eligible if you hold a UK MSc.



yogesh_dehradun asked, hi Paul,i'm a graduate in BBM and want to pursue MBA for LBS(london Business School)..I have more than 8 years exp. and for past 4 years i'm running my own software firm for which i have generated more than 2 million dollars prjects.My company has staff of ten people.Wht are my chaces for getting admission in such reputed Business school.I was accademically not too good.

Paul answers, Yogesh I am unable to say what your chances of gaining admission are. However you should contact the British Council who will direct you to business schools. Paul



Priya asked, My concern is mainly about the work permit visa.lets say I finsh my MBA from UK and hard luck I dodnt get job thru campus selection, then whether I will get the time to search job in local market by staying there and for how long I can stay.And how the UK govt helps such aspirants.

JON answers, Thanks, If you should complete a MBA in the UK successfully, you could apply under two schemes to remain in the UK. The first being the international graduate scheme (IGS)that allows the applicant to remain in the UK for one year. You do not need the offer of a job to apply under this scheme - it is meant in part to allow graduates to find the right job for themselves, before regularising their stay under either the work permit scheme of the HSMP scheme. If you studied a MBA in Scotland successfully, you could apply under the Fresh Talent in Scotland Scheme, which is a two-year visa, which you would likewise have to regularise under HSMP or Work Permit Schemes after. I hope that helps.



s.r. asked, if i apply for overseas study, can i do part time job is it possible.


Paul answers, SR Under the immigration rules you are permitted to work up to 20 hours per week during term time and full time durring your holidays. Paul



dr pradeep asked, is there any short pg courses in homoeopathy

ac answers, Doctor, you can log into, and choose a short duration course in your choice of subject.



mike11 asked, I am 20 year commerce graduate do I stand any chance to pursue study in UK? and wat r the courses available? Is it possbile to work part time there to meet up my expenses there?

Jon B answers, we look at English ability (ielts), funding to support you during the studies, and the institution you choose - picking the right college/university is very important.


vivek asked, could u plzz let job opprty after studying in uk

ac answers, Vivek, you can work for 12 months after you finish your course in UK, under the IGS scheme.


dinesh 007 asked, hi i want to study in UK i want to know the processor for it thanks

Jon B answers, visit


shez asked, Sir ! i have dine my BBA from IIPM which is private institute ! can i apply for masters in UK ?

JON answers, The simple answer is yes! Successful completion of a BBA would make you eligible to apply for a MBA at all British Universities. However, it is up to the universities and colleges to decide who to accept for their courses. For more information, please look at the list of post-graduate courses on or Thanks for your query.



Brinda asked,  Good morning Sir, One of my cousin wish to study in UK, She availed complete bank loan for tuition fee and living expenses, but she could not show the IT returns of her father as she has no father. Her mother is a home maker. We were told that IT returns is a must. She is been taken care by her uncle ( not direct relation) distant relation, So we are in confused state how we will show our sponsors relation ship as we have been told relationship document is must. Kindly clarify my querry.

SEAN answers, She needs to show that her uncle is willing and able to support her for the duration of her studies in the UK and give an explanation as to why a distant relation would do so at significant cost to them. Thank you for your question.


Part II: Tomorrow


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