(i) Full-time Integrated M Phil-PhD Programme with Fellowship
(ii) Full-time Direct PhD Programme with Fellowship
(iii) Part-Time PhD Programme
Applications are invited for admission to the aforesaid programmes of the University to pursue research in areas related to educational policy, planning, finance and administration from a broad inter-disciplinary social science perspective latest by March 17, 2008.
The University offers up to 25 fellowships of Rs 13,000 per month + contingency as per rules for Full-time Integrated M Phil-PhD and Full-time Direct PhD Programmes
For further information, visit www.nuepa.org
Contact address
National University of Educational Planning and Administration
17-B, Sri Aurobindo Marg
New Delhi-110016 (India)
Phone: 011-26863562, 26962335, 26967780
Fax: 91-011-26853041, 26865180,,
E-mail: nuepa@nuepa.org
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