What: The Operations Interest Group at IIM Lucknow and CoolAvenues.com invites business school students to participate in Opsyrus 2006, the paper writing competition.
~ Topics
~ Prizes
~ The top-10 best teams will get certificates of participation, and their papers will be published by Coolavenues.com in their Knowledge Zone.
Rules & regulations
~ All students currently pursuing full-time post-graduate management degree from any management school are eligible.
~ Each team can comprise of maximum two members, both from same institute.
~ A team can submit entries for both topics.
~ Each paper must be preceded by an executive summary of not more than 500 words.
~ The word count should not exceed 2000 words (excluding summary and tables/ graphs/ appendices).
~ The document must be prepared in Microsoft Word in Times New Roman, font size 12 with 1.5 line spacing.
~ The paper must be an original piece of work and must not have been submitted earlier elsewhere.
~ Plagiarism will strictly lead to disqualification.
~ References to existing literature must be appropriately quoted.
~ The participants should furnish the following details on the cover page:
~ The name of the participants or any other information should not be mentioned anywhere else in the paper other than the first page.
~ The submitted papers will be an exclusive property of OIG, and OIG shall reserve the rights to use the papers in the form that they deem fit.
~ In case of any disputes, the decision of the panel of judges and the organizers shall be final and binding.
~ Please mail the soft copy of the paper to oig.iiml@gmail.com.
~ The e-mail subject and the title of the softcopy should be "SCM/ IDOM_first names of team members", where SCM is code for first topic and IDOM is code for second topic.
~ For further details, please visit http://opsyrus.coolavenues.com/.
~ Or, mail to oig@iiml.ac.in.
Important dates
~ Please send in your papers before November 10.
~ The results for Opsyrus 2006 will be declared on December 15.
Web site: http://opsyrus.coolavenues.com/